Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Busdriverx » Mon Apr 27, 2015 11:07 am

Numari wrote:Horde waits 60 min for BG.
Horde running around killing all 50-60s Allys.
Allys can't level.
Allys leave the server or switch to Horde.
Horde waits 120 min for BG because of less Allys.
More Horde running around killing Allys.
More Allys leave.
Ally dies.
Horde alone on Server.
Everyone now QQ about no allys.
Now it is not our problem that we cannot ask for help. It is ur problem to wait 2 Hours for BG.

nobody cares about BG queues, this is vanilla where the only people who spam BGs are going for standing, nobody who wants to pvp for fun bothers to queue into premades as a pug

they don't care if they have longer queues because everybody on the faction does in that case, it's not a problem
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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Numari » Mon Apr 27, 2015 11:19 am

So Busdriver,

those few people running into BG, killing allys because they are bored, ruining allys experience of the game and making them leave, isn't a problem.

So you do not have a problem ending up ~80 / 20 Horde/Ally ratio.

Because you are a pve player, right.

Good for you. Bad for everyone else loving a balanced server.

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Petroix » Mon Apr 27, 2015 11:23 am

Numari wrote:Don't get me wrong, this is a not problem of WPvP or Ganking or Griefing.

This is a problem to an overpopulated Server which was not intendet by Blizzard.

There is NO space for an ally to quest or farm above lvl 50. There is no empty space without Horde ganking allies. I could try to find a hidden place, where only few people knows. But then i can't q and it's getting boooring as hell, leaving this zone, means instant death and no fun at all.

Solution for the server: I really don't know. Splitting the server is a bad idea i think.
Solution for me: I left the server, and i'am totally happy with my new one.

PM me server name.
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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Præisten » Mon Apr 27, 2015 11:25 am

Petroix wrote:
Numari wrote:Don't get me wrong, this is a not problem of WPvP or Ganking or Griefing.

This is a problem to an overpopulated Server which was not intendet by Blizzard.

There is NO space for an ally to quest or farm above lvl 50. There is no empty space without Horde ganking allies. I could try to find a hidden place, where only few people knows. But then i can't q and it's getting boooring as hell, leaving this zone, means instant death and no fun at all.

Solution for the server: I really don't know. Splitting the server is a bad idea i think.
Solution for me: I left the server, and i'am totally happy with my new one.

PM me server name.

Gl with 600 player pop on Kronos.
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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by OGTUCKER117 » Mon Apr 27, 2015 11:27 am

There are more alliance guilds.
There are more alliance premades.
And the A/H ratio is 45-55.
This is also a PvP server.
I dont think much else needs to be said about this topic. If you getting camped log out for a bit or call in 60s.
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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Haitharn » Mon Apr 27, 2015 11:49 am

OGTUCKER117 wrote:
azreal3133 wrote:
OGTUCKER117 wrote:Maybe your shit.
Ask your premades at level 60 to come help you.
Its a problem on your factions end, not ours
And I hit 60 at 19 days played btw so qq moar

Can you kill yourself yet? You're the most retarded player on this entire server, not only are you terrible but you act like you're not and it just makes you look like a pathetic fag, literally nobody likes you, the Horde doesn't like you, the Alliance doesn't like you, the GMs don't like you, why can't you take the hint and either leave or shut your stupid mouth from spewing verbal and written diarreah everywhere you go.

you are trash kid dont talk to me.
and sure not everybody likes me and I dont want everybody to like me(especially not alliance) but for you to say everybody on horde doesnt like me is incorrect. I understand that I am better then you but no need to be so upset.
Dont hate the playa hate the game

You were barely beating the tank's dps on a scholo stream I was watching the other day bro
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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by punttimimmi » Mon Apr 27, 2015 11:56 am

Mryul wrote:
Thefilth wrote:The reason why we gank lowbies is because BGs are 30-90min queues just to meet a scumbag insta-winning premade. Don't get me wrong, I'm still signing up for the BGs, but while I wait to get my ass handed to me, I go grind some easy honor in the nearest highest level questing zone. It's the only way to get honor without going through the hassle of starting ones own premade. I just want some casual pvp every now and then to climb the ladder slowly, is that too much to ask?

Anybody know if you can ignore/mute on the forums, btw?

And what you do results in fewer allies hitting 60, which prolongs your own problem.

You are your own problem. Many people on horde who aren't dumb like yourself know that it's best to leave allies be on their own and let them level. The more allies that hit 60 the faster queues we get and the better world PvP we will get in the long run.

Running around ganking people might give us a bit honor, but then we are not just being indifferent about the problem -> we would actively help to increase the problem.

If anyone should have an interest in many allies hitting level 60, it should be the horde.

getting a bit shitty honor now is not worth having a shitty overall pvp experience for the rest the time on thus server.

It is actually worth because, even if you kill low as 10 alliance per 30 minutes, its over 2k honor, way better then getting one mark against premade. So its pretty wise to do so when ranking.

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Mryul » Mon Apr 27, 2015 12:01 pm

OGTUCKER117 wrote:And the A/H ratio is 40-60.

fixed it for you

and for 60 it's probably worse

punttimimmi wrote:It is actually worth because, even if you kill low as 10 alliance per 30 minutes, its over 2k honor, way better then getting one mark against premade. So its pretty wise to do so when ranking.

Yeah.. very wise to be the reason you'll get no real PvP in a couple months. Very wise indeed
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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by HAEVNEREN » Mon Apr 27, 2015 12:17 pm

logic wrote:Horde waits 60 min for BG.
Horde running around killing all 50-60s Allys.
Allys can't level.
Allys leave the server or switch to Horde.
Horde waits 120 min for BG because of less Allys.
More Horde running around killing Allys.
More Allys leave.
Ally dies.
Horde alone on Server.
Everyone now QQ about no allys.
Now it is not our problem that we cannot ask for help. It is ur problem to wait 2 Hours for BG.

This logic won't reach a select group of mongoloids. Downs syndrome allstar OGshitforbrains should be banned instead of constantly typing messages that gets him bullied further.

All in all, the message doesn't get through - i guess the players involved in the 60s groups camping +51 zones think very short sighted. They are litterally fucking themselves in their struggle for higher pvp ranks, as said ranks will only become harder to get with longer bg ques and empty 50-60 questing zones. It's like watching a dog getting choked in its own cord.

OGTUCKER117 wrote:There are more alliance guilds.
There are more alliance premades.
And the A/H ratio is 45-55.
This is also a PvP server.
I dont think much else needs to be said about this topic. If you getting camped log out for a bit or call in 60s.

What your feeble reptile mind still doesn't seem to be able to comprehend is that the actual ratio in it's current state doesn't mean shit, because 1) a bigger percentage of the horde population do PVP compared to alliance and 2) nobody appreciates your awful shitposting while discussing something that can potentially ruin the server. Don't you give a shit about the server you spoiled rat?

OGTUCKER117 wrote:I am fucking retarded beyond belief and this is evident to just about everybody but me.
UD male

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Poony » Mon Apr 27, 2015 12:40 pm

The problem is that the mongoloid horde gang squads screwing the leveling process of 100s of ally players do not read the forums, and even if they did that would not change anything. Even if the devs "disabled" the honor gain from players let's say for a month (so that a big train of ally could ding 60) that would not change a damn thing, you would still see 60s ganging greys/green, just because it is fun and OMFG IT IS SO FUNNY LOLZ PVP SERVER.


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