logic wrote:Horde waits 60 min for BG.
Horde running around killing all 50-60s Allys.
Allys can't level.
Allys leave the server or switch to Horde.
Horde waits 120 min for BG because of less Allys.
More Horde running around killing Allys.
More Allys leave.
Ally dies.
Horde alone on Server.
Everyone now QQ about no allys.
Now it is not our problem that we cannot ask for help. It is ur problem to wait 2 Hours for BG.
This logic won't reach a select group of mongoloids. Downs syndrome allstar OGshitforbrains should be banned instead of constantly typing messages that gets him bullied further.
All in all, the message doesn't get through - i guess the players involved in the 60s groups camping +51 zones think very short sighted. They are litterally fucking themselves in their struggle for higher pvp ranks, as said ranks will only become harder to get with longer bg ques and empty 50-60 questing zones. It's like watching a dog getting choked in its own cord.
OGTUCKER117 wrote:There are more alliance guilds.
There are more alliance premades.
And the A/H ratio is 45-55.
This is also a PvP server.
I dont think much else needs to be said about this topic. If you getting camped log out for a bit or call in 60s.
What your feeble reptile mind still doesn't seem to be able to comprehend is that the actual ratio in it's current state doesn't mean shit, because 1) a bigger percentage of the horde population do PVP compared to alliance and 2) nobody appreciates your awful shitposting while discussing something that can potentially ruin the server. Don't you give a shit about the server you spoiled rat?
OGTUCKER117 wrote:I am fucking retarded beyond belief and this is evident to just about everybody but me.