by Jinxed » Wed Apr 29, 2015 3:25 pm
Hey there. I'm another Alliance player throwing in the towel. I know you horde like to call us out for being "WoD kids" and what not, so I decided to get a little statistics going for you. The below numbers are all taken over a one hour duration:
Blasted Lands:
Xp gained: ~13.000
Deaths to NPCS: 0
Deaths to Horde: 38
Time spent dead: ~42 minutes.
Searing Gorge:
Xp gained: ~26.000
Deaths to NPCS: 2
Deaths to horde: 18
Time spent dead: ~20 minutes
Xp gained: ~5000
Deaths to NPCS: 0
Deaths to horde: 49
Time spend dead: ~45-50 minutes.
Don't get me wrong. I don't mind PvP. Neither do I mind ganking. Currently however, this is not a GAME. This is griefing to the point where the game is unplayable. I hearthstoned out of Blastedlands just now, and got instagibbed by a Rogue in Menethil, Wetlands.
I've been level 49 for three days straight. I have completed a whopping four or so quests. I've tried finding farming spots where I can at least get a little relevant drops for my professions. I've gotten nothing. Am I crying? Yes. I am. I wanted to experience Vanilla content like the rest of you. I wanted a fair chance to fight, see the endgame quests, relive the lore. Instead all I get to experience is Felwood, Blastedlands, Burningsteppes, Un'goro and Silithus graveyards.