Such a Shame

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Re: Such a Shame

by Badtank » Wed Apr 29, 2015 11:21 am

Entitled spends a lot of time in world pvp yo, call for help.
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Re: Such a Shame

by l33tplaya97 » Wed Apr 29, 2015 11:25 am

Eisseltron wrote:Yep guys, let's just keep encouraging people to leave our server.

Surely there won't be any ramifications for this.



screw em if he wants to cry about a pvp server then he can leave
its obviously not for him
im the best

Re: Such a Shame

by Raahl » Wed Apr 29, 2015 11:49 am

Eisseltron wrote:Yep guys, let's just keep encouraging people to leave our server.

Surely there won't be any ramifications for this.



This is the truth. It probably seems like fun at the moment (for Horde players), but if people get too frustrated for too long, they will leave. Then you will end up with an even smaller Alliance presence and longer BG queues for Horde.

I am still leveling, so I can't comment on what is really happening. But, if the reports on these forums are any indicator, it sounds like the developers may need to eventually step into help balance things out somewhat.
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Re: Such a Shame

by Eisseltron » Wed Apr 29, 2015 11:59 am

l33tplaya97 wrote:
Eisseltron wrote:Yep guys, let's just keep encouraging people to leave our server.

Surely there won't be any ramifications for this.



screw em if he wants to cry about a pvp server then he can leave
its obviously not for him

So what are you going to do when people keep leaving, and you don't have anyone left to PvP against?

Re: Such a Shame

by PanTheSatyr » Wed Apr 29, 2015 1:01 pm

How does Horde expect people to get to 60 if they are camping all the 50's everywhere? That's one sure way to ruin the server. Good job, Horde.
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Re: Such a Shame

by l33tplaya97 » Wed Apr 29, 2015 1:07 pm

PanTheSatyr wrote:How does Horde expect people to get to 60 if they are camping all the 50's everywhere? That's one sure way to ruin the server. Good job, Horde.

I got camped for hours sometimes by alliance
its a pvp server deal with it nerd
im the best

Re: Such a Shame

by Doogain » Wed Apr 29, 2015 2:01 pm

l33tplaya97 wrote:
PanTheSatyr wrote:How does Horde expect people to get to 60 if they are camping all the 50's everywhere? That's one sure way to ruin the server. Good job, Horde.

I got camped for hours sometimes by alliance
its a pvp server deal with it nerd

Calling people nerd? Lol'd. Congratulations on your 13th birthday.

Re: Such a Shame

by Fulltank » Wed Apr 29, 2015 2:57 pm

Oh im sorry im not complaining or anything i expected this to happen on a PVP server. I just never would've imagined all the zones i need to be completely camped unless i get on at 2 AM central

Re: Such a Shame

by Jinxed » Wed Apr 29, 2015 3:25 pm

Hey there. I'm another Alliance player throwing in the towel. I know you horde like to call us out for being "WoD kids" and what not, so I decided to get a little statistics going for you. The below numbers are all taken over a one hour duration:

Blasted Lands:
Xp gained: ~13.000
Deaths to NPCS: 0
Deaths to Horde: 38
Time spent dead: ~42 minutes.

Searing Gorge:
Xp gained: ~26.000
Deaths to NPCS: 2
Deaths to horde: 18
Time spent dead: ~20 minutes

Xp gained: ~5000
Deaths to NPCS: 0
Deaths to horde: 49
Time spend dead: ~45-50 minutes.

Don't get me wrong. I don't mind PvP. Neither do I mind ganking. Currently however, this is not a GAME. This is griefing to the point where the game is unplayable. I hearthstoned out of Blastedlands just now, and got instagibbed by a Rogue in Menethil, Wetlands.

I've been level 49 for three days straight. I have completed a whopping four or so quests. I've tried finding farming spots where I can at least get a little relevant drops for my professions. I've gotten nothing. Am I crying? Yes. I am. I wanted to experience Vanilla content like the rest of you. I wanted a fair chance to fight, see the endgame quests, relive the lore. Instead all I get to experience is Felwood, Blastedlands, Burningsteppes, Un'goro and Silithus graveyards.

Re: Such a Shame

by pakao » Wed Apr 29, 2015 3:35 pm

I avoided ganking lowbies, but your crying so much that im sick of it, and all im gonna do tonight is to camp lowbies as much i can. Not even kidding
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