Another Alliance player giving up.

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Re: Another Alliance player giving up.

by Saint » Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:53 pm

Alliance bring this on themselves, no pity whatsoever. And whoever thinks the whole premade situation and horde qeues will change with more 60 alliances...i lol at you.

Re: Another Alliance player giving up.

by Eisseltron » Thu Apr 30, 2015 12:09 am

And horde players continue to amaze me with their lack of foresight.

Re: Another Alliance player giving up.

by Hammersplat » Thu Apr 30, 2015 2:38 am

The problem is the population levels not the ratios, 60:40 isn't even that bad. In retail there was a queue if a certain amount of ppl were on the server. 1000 ppl should be sitting in a queue, surely there was never this many online.... even on Blackrock etc. The map is saturated with people.

So we need some people to leave and go play somewhere else. I also don't know how many months people will be excited to sit at a flight path killing ppl repeatedly. I guess we have to wait for them to get bored?
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Re: Another Alliance player giving up.

by Simonich » Fri May 01, 2015 10:21 am

Get rid of your addiction and OCD that you have to do the quests to proceed.

Unfortunately you may have to grind the corner of the map.

Or lvl just by green NPCs. Its not impossible, don't go to the towns
Was good to have you all

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Re: Another Alliance player giving up.

by DeeMarie » Fri May 01, 2015 10:33 am

I really can't believe this thread, it's utterly astounding that not a single person here has asked if they can have your stuff.

On topic, when you first levelled and didn't have so many problems, there weren't this many players or this many 60s. People in the same situation need to a) quit, b) level in dungeons or c) find a remote location to grind.

If end game with my guild wasn't worth it, I'd probably pick a. I hate pvp.
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Re: Another Alliance player giving up.

by Halcyon702 » Fri May 01, 2015 12:12 pm

If I hadn't rerolled alliance already this thread would inspire one to do so
- The Ultimate Warlock -
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Re: Another Alliance player giving up.

by Vixqq » Fri May 01, 2015 12:14 pm

Oh boys...
I Cried...
You made my day!

Thank you for sharing your view of the game!

Throw more fresh meat into cage of Honor.

-RNG 8-)

Re: Another Alliance player giving up.

by Allstar » Fri May 01, 2015 12:40 pm

The problem with alot of Alliance is they put so much time and effort into corpse running, forum posting, whining and insulting 60s for not protecting them in World chat when you could just peacefully grind. I grinded probably half my levels from 30 onward, died probably 15-20 times 30-60. Is questing really any different? Chances are you've seen the world plenty and done all the quests before, so unless you enjoy being pissed off your whole session maybe you should get over it and turn on a TV show. After doing it myself and seeing plenty of others do it since, all of the whiny posts really do come off as entitled people who never experienced a PvP friendly MMO or high population server in Vanilla or BC let alone a server with 5-6k people on it. If you think you're above grinding a.k.a. doing what you gotta do, see ya later! We have enough garbage players that somehow managed to hit 60 as is. You can easily get away alternating grinding a lvl or two and clearing out an instance and it's quests all the way to 60.

Re: Another Alliance player giving up.

by PanTheSatyr » Fri May 01, 2015 1:28 pm

I am tired of hearing the "solution" to Horde harassment is to allow them to deny Alliance access to quests and areas of the game and to grind mobs for "a lvl or two". That's like telling high school grads, "Sorry, you can't go to college for 4 years like we did. Go to the library for 10-20 years instead."

And I don't know how "Alliance brought this on themselves" applies to Lv50 toons.
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Re: Another Alliance player giving up.

by Durandal » Fri May 01, 2015 2:17 pm

I've noticed a pattern, the biggest whiny shits are ALL alliance

oh well time to go gank STV on my 60


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