why are full premades allowed to que into random groups?

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Re: why are full premades allowed to que into random groups?

by Faleene » Mon May 04, 2015 8:50 pm

jimmbo wrote:I do have to say, being farmed by alliance premades 24/7 does suck, why can't they just be put in a queue with other premades so that the horde doesn't have to wait 40 minutes to get 0 honor in a bg, thus outsourcing honor to lvl 48+

Wouldn't matter. We'd all just get (or edit) an addon that auto solo queues us at the same time

Re: why are full premades allowed to que into random groups?

by Raahl » Mon May 04, 2015 9:00 pm

Make your own premade?
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Re: why are full premades allowed to que into random groups?

by jimmbo » Mon May 04, 2015 9:57 pm

Faleene wrote:
jimmbo wrote:I do have to say, being farmed by alliance premades 24/7 does suck, why can't they just be put in a queue with other premades so that the horde doesn't have to wait 40 minutes to get 0 honor in a bg, thus outsourcing honor to lvl 48+

Wouldn't matter. We'd all just get (or edit) an addon that auto solo queues us at the same time

just saying there is tons of alliance qq going on ie making threads saying that 60+ allies are quitting and shit just tryna help you guys.. honestly wouldnt you rather be a grand marshal slayer of premades and not grand marshal slayer of (basically free wins)? no real honor in that and if the honor system isnt about honor, then what is it all about?
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Re: why are full premades allowed to que into random groups?

by nervous » Mon May 04, 2015 10:14 pm

jimmbo wrote:no real honor in that and if the honor system isnt about honor, then what is it all about?

BIS PVE equipment to kill 10 year old content slightly faster

Re: why are full premades allowed to que into random groups?

by Vekisha » Mon May 04, 2015 11:48 pm

would be cool actually if premades can only que against other premades bgs would be fun
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Re: why are full premades allowed to que into random groups?

by Vekisha » Mon May 04, 2015 11:59 pm

jimmbo wrote:
Faleene wrote:
jimmbo wrote:I do have to say, being farmed by alliance premades 24/7 does suck, why can't they just be put in a queue with other premades so that the horde doesn't have to wait 40 minutes to get 0 honor in a bg, thus outsourcing honor to lvl 48+

Wouldn't matter. We'd all just get (or edit) an addon that auto solo queues us at the same time

just saying there is tons of alliance qq going on ie making threads saying that 60+ allies are quitting and shit just tryna help you guys.. honestly wouldnt you rather be a grand marshal slayer of premades and not grand marshal slayer of (basically free wins)? no real honor in that and if the honor system isnt about honor, then what is it all about?

also this , grinding whole day as premade afks coz they give up already since they see same names in same team over and over again idk i'll gz you on high warlord/ grand marshal not sure if you gona feel like you really earned it as fighting for reals and carrying ur faction in bgs
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Re: why are full premades allowed to que into random groups?

by Uzephi » Tue May 05, 2015 12:03 am

Brabus wrote:having the pvp system like this is like someone restoring an old car and intentionally putting a defective part in it because it is how it originally came from the factory just so he can call it "factory original" it's stupid. It is obviously a bad system to let a raid premade all in voice chat que into random players and ruin their game. Plz fix this shit

You ever been to car auction like Barret Jackson? The closer to OE means the more valuable an older car is. Hell, a decade ago, a 60s Dodge Challenger sold for over a million because it had the original paint (with lead) and the rest of it was a beater (Engine was shot, trans needed rebuild, and a plethora of other issues). Some people will pay a fortune to have things like they were in the past.
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Stone Guard

Re: why are full premades allowed to que into random groups?

by Iosephus » Tue May 05, 2015 1:12 am

nervous wrote:
jimmbo wrote:no real honor in that and if the honor system isnt about honor, then what is it all about?

BIS PVE equipment to kill 10 year old content slightly faster

This is what it comes down to.

Which is why most are upset over Honor gear upgrade patch and want it changed, while still wanting to farm PUGs, dodging etc with no change.

Re: why are full premades allowed to que into random groups?

by Codeine » Tue May 05, 2015 1:10 pm

It is pretty shitty to come against unbeatable premades every game after a 50min wait time.

But at the same time it was like this in retail vanilla....

I doubt it will be changed, but for the sake of the majority of people trying to enjoy the game and do some pvp every now and then, fighting an unbeatable game is not fun. I wouldn't mind if it was changed.
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