Karrier wrote:But seriously is there only 2 premades at alli side?
where are the pugs?
6k players online and only 40 alis queueing?
dont tell me they cant lvl up cause horde ganks, server is 3 months old
We've had like 3-4 in earlier weeks but a lot of people have gotten their desired ranks so a few fell apart and some took players from them to bolster their "Core".
That and Alliance is the PvE faction in vanilla so a lot of alliance players at 60 just do dungeons, farm gold or afk in Ironforge, we have like max 40-50 active alliance pvpers that queue everyday for more than 3-4 hours, and some of them get excluded from premades for reasons (gear,spec,inexperience)
Also the standing war is real so pugs don't have a lot of chance unless they afk stables all day i guess.