Lazermon wrote:Can we define what safe spotting means? Is standing outside of a town shooting at people in the town out of range of the guards considered "safespotting"? Is killing the guard to stand at that position and shoot at people in the town bannable? I don't mind having a rule saying you shouldnt stand on roofs, but anything beyond that makes it into a very muddy rule that will inevitably be enforced slightly different depending on the enforcer, and that is never a popular thing anywhere.
This is the dumbest argument ever. grats, you can act like the rules are all convoluted and confusing while you barely parse the line of what "safespotting" is, you'd make an incredible defense lawyer.
These are neutral faction hubs, totally different from neutral quest camps like nessingwary. The guards are there for a purpose -- to fucking guard. If you really want to gank in the city, great. all for it. But, you need to be willing to accept the concequences of attacking here, and hope you get away from the guards before you're pummeled to the floor.
want to gank? Great! Do it! Want to kill someone out of the range of the guards? Do that too! Kill shit all day. But once you're finding spots within the safe zones that guards are unable to reach you due to errors in pathing, you're a twat. You're not even grieifing anymore, you're exploiting errors in the guards pathing that makes them twiddle their thumbs -- exactly the opposite of what they are programmed to do in this instance.
This isnt rocket surgery. Seems like y'all are just mad it got harder for you to gank, implying there is even a moderate amount of difficulty in the first place.