Does this server have mods?

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Re: Does this server have mods?

by Reiker » Fri May 22, 2015 8:28 pm

Eh, look at it this way... the players who are using racist / offensive language are doing you a favor by letting you know to not have anything to do with them in the future.

Re: Does this server have mods?

by Xylon666Darkstar » Fri May 22, 2015 9:00 pm

Instead of relying on the mods to carebear your feelings while they deal with more important reports, use the /ignore or /leave.

I am not condoning the activities of chat like Barrens in any way, but really, if you have to bitch and moan about it at all on the internet in any shape or form when you have tools to remove the problem from your poor, sensitive eyes, skin, and emotions, you're only just wasting your time that could be better spent focusing on playing the game.

But really, both sides just need to STFU, grow up, and play. Or kill each other. I like that WPVP solution(go alliance with the rest of the carebears). :D
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Re: Does this server have mods?

by riq and snog » Fri May 22, 2015 9:03 pm

Worst thing u ever did?
taking people serious on the internet!
im 100% sure that 99% of these racists are just bored people trying to troll, and evidently racist card is still working in barrens chat.
Again if u take people serious on the internet, and especially in mmo games, on a private free to play non pve server, in an area like the BARRENS, go out take a fresh air walk!
riq and snog
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Re: Does this server have mods?

by holkan » Fri May 22, 2015 9:05 pm

It's against the server rules if you don't like it report them and ignore them they will get a warning then chat restricted then banned if they keep doing it. The only reason its a cess pool is because people aren't reporting it because it doesn't bother them.

Re: Does this server have mods?

by heradura » Sat May 23, 2015 12:14 am

Hyunckel wrote:People who say "just turn around, close your eyes / ears, ignore it" are the kind of people who would let a poor girl get raped in the train in front of them.

ayy lmao

You fucking SJW cucks always make the most disgusting, absurd false equivalencies. It's baffling to me that people can actually view the world in such black-and-white (pun not intended but apt) terms.

If it bothers you, report it, move on, and quit being a puerile wimp. No one cares if you're offended by words on a screen. Keep it to your damn self.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Does this server have mods?

by PanTheSatyr » Sat May 23, 2015 12:29 am

tuck3r wrote:It doesnt bother me because i dont get offended by words on a computer screen.
Nice implications tho, pal

As if "words on a screen" are any different from "words in a book" or "words said out loud". Words are ideas, and by accepting racist statements you are approving of and accepting racism.

But what should I expect from the second biggest troll on the forums? I do tip my hat to you for baiting me into talking to you. Well played, troll.
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Re: Does this server have mods?

by Pottu » Sat May 23, 2015 2:09 am


our terms of use forbid crude language in many forms. If you see something objectionable in the public chat channels, please take a screenshot and make a ticket. We are all here to enjoy vanilla World of Warcraft, not to be subjected to foul mouthed outbursts.

Please use the /ignore feature when a player is insulting toward you in /say or /whisper.

As a remainder, this part of our TOU should be useful:

A - Warning: For minor infringements. A warning is first given to inform a player about the rules and warn him about future sanctions. Warnings remain in the players record.

AFK in BG's;
Player harassment;
Racist or offensive sentiments;
Using color changing scripts in-game;
Abuse of assistance system (forum or in-game);
Lack of respect towards the server or the staff members.

Note that we also mute players for the bolded things if it's particularly bad or if it's a repeat offense.
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