Keldan wrote:pateuvasiliu wrote:I don't get why so many speak of it like it was Messiah's gift. WOTLK knocks it out of the park.
Well, that's a perfectly valid point of view which I happen to disagree.
For me, Classic is a genuinely better game. There is no flying mount, so there are more encounters on the road and strategies to "catch" enemy players. There are elite areas, where you have to group. There aren't many quests, so you have to go in these area, same for gold. Some quests required items crafted by certain professions which is imo brilliant (you have to actually trade with other players). The slower rate makes player do other activities than leveling during 1-59 levels and it allows to level professions.
Personally for me I considered Wrath of the Lich King as the best version overall for World of Warcraft, problem is no private server seems to do the damn expansion right. It gave a nice balance for everything, the only downsides I saw were the overpowered Death Knights and Gear Score (despite me laughing in people's faces when they dared asked me for mine and I usually ended up being the highest in the group on all my characters)
As for your points
-They destroyed Warcraft 3 lore, making Azjol Nerub a joke and replacing Icecrown Glacier by a Mordor parody. Dalaran is now a small flying town, the Argent Tournament is a non-sense...
They did nothing of any sort to the lore and each of those "problems" was explained by Blizzard or is flat out wrong.
- Azjol Nerub - it was supposed to be an underground zone (like what Deepholm was), however they ran into time constraints, and let's be honest overall the general player base HATES the insect dungeons/raids (Nerubians, Qiraji, and Mantid), though I never minded them. In hindsight it was a smart business decision with the only problem being what they did to Anub'arak.
- Icecrown looking like Mordor (more accurately Sauron's fortress Barad-dûr), is a terrible argument as they bare little resemblance to each other. ... a.png.html ... 0818113744
- Dalaran the floating city is actually much larger than that crater in Alterac what city in game is to scale? If these cities were real they could fit inside the Pentagon with plenty of room left over.
- Argent Tournament is literally a video game equivalent of filler and came about because Icecrown wasn't ready and Blizzard realized people would complain. Originally there was not supposed to be a full raid tier just the dungeon.
-The Death Knights. Dude, they start at 55. This is a complete mistake. And they were really overpowered along with Retpals.
They were a "hero class", yes they were overpowered, but this was gradually fixed over the patches. Do you know how hard it is to balance multiple characters/classes? It is near impossible which is why there are always those "specs/flavor of the month" situations.
-They introduced a Looking for dungeon tool that teleports your group to the dungeon and teleports you back when it's over.
This is really the only thing I personally disliked, however it did allow dungeons to be more accessible to people with limited time.
-They started to sell mounts !
And you didn't have to buy them or their pets, nothing Blizzard sells in their store (except the instant 90 thing now) has ANY effect on gameplay other than atheistic. It is like complaining that League of Legends or DOTA 2 sell skins.
-The heroic dungeons were really, really, really too easy.
Oculus, Halls of Lightning, The Forge of Souls, Pit of Saron, and Halls of Reflection say hi; though yes the latter 3 were added later in the expansion, I will slightly agree with this point.
-Difficulty modes for raids. People gather when they face the same difficulties : if you allow them to make these a choice, you divide the population and there is no "place I can only dream of" which is f*cking essential to keep you going.
Even without the hardmodes, most people who raided never beat Yogg Saron or even saw Algalon in Ulduar or got past Deathbringer Saurfang when the content was current.