by Præisten » Wed Feb 25, 2015 7:52 pm
Badlands: I like the music and the atmosphere.
Azshara: I cannot say, what's so attractive about this zone. Not many quests there, but the mystical setting is so cool.
Winterspring: Very beautiful zone, since I love snowy places.
Barrens: No need for a comment, I think most horde players know what I'm thinking.
Desolace: I'm one of the few people, who actually like this zone. It has some very good quests, atleast for horde, and if you need a break from the pvp madness in STV it's a good place to go, since there is almost no pvp action there.
Western/Eastern Plaguelands: Scourge theme, lots of undeads to kill, ED rep farm. Scholomance and Stratholme, lots of W-pvp.
Stranglethorn Vale: Heavy pvp zone. Sometimes you can spend more time pvp than leveling - always victims to kill. See you at Nessingwarys Camp.
In fact, I really like most zones. I really dislike Blizzard for what they did in Cataclysm - they actually sucked all charm and fun out the zones.