How do you guys stand the ganking?

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Re: How do you guys stand the ganking?

by Zerohour » Wed Jun 10, 2015 5:36 am

Getting ganked all the time was actually the Classic experience on your average PvP server. They made the Normal servers in retail for a reason (not to lose customers), and if you're looking for the actual experience you've found it. Not fun? Oh well, I guess.

One of the common things you'd hear among guildies back then was always "When I get to level 60 I've just going to pay the Horde/Alliance back all the time". They never did. hahaha

Re: How do you guys stand the ganking?

by winfernal » Wed Jun 10, 2015 6:11 am

Lakweeta wrote:
ninjacarldk wrote:
Bioness wrote:Either quest in a group, be smarter about where you quest (e.g avoiding zones like Stanglethorn Vale and Tanaris), or get good by being awake of your surroundings and always prepared in case of a bank.

Were would i quest besides Stranglethorn vale? Arathi Highlands and Desolace both seem rather sparse on quests.

But i actually did quest in both areas, and i was still subject to a lot of ganking, especially in Desolace for some reason.

You kind of just... Deal :/

Desolace is horrible for Alliance, most zones are as they seem to favor Horde.
If you get killed more than 2 times in 10 minutes, run to your corpse. Afk for 10, then res. that's about the best I can give ya' :l. I'm almost 40 and am not gonna give up now c:

But I can't fucking wait to come back to STV at 60 and gank all of those UD Rogues. Sweet justice c:

It's the circle of hate

The ones ganking you might have thought exactly the same thing.;)
Winfernal - 60 Orc Warrior (PvP)
Torghatten - 60 Gnome Mage (PvP)
Razà - 60 Undead Rogue (PvP)

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Re: How do you guys stand the ganking?

by Xylon666Darkstar » Wed Jun 10, 2015 6:37 am

Hank or be yanked. Welcome to PvP. If you're not lvling speecd and prepared for the worst of PvP, then you deserve to die, and the server is not for you.

There will NEVER be a pve server of Nost either until you and/or any other carebears provide the financial and manpower resources to the devs. Stop being selfish and ignorant.
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Re: How do you guys stand the ganking?

by Manabar » Wed Jun 10, 2015 6:47 am

ninjacarldk wrote:Gaining a level is starting to take 4 hours of play, and i'm only level 31. How do you guys stand the pvp during leveling? It's such a drag on your progress.

And will Nostalrius just please fucking open a PvE server already?

How do I stand it? Well - first off, I gank lowbies. Then I gank some more and some more and then again. Then horde shows up and kills me. Then again and again.

Then I start it all over again - its fun. Met some cool people from both factions in some of the wars we've started. Stop crying and get used to it. If all else fails, just /hug the horde and realize it'll never stop.

You can make it stop by quitting. Don't be a quitter.

Re: How do you guys stand the ganking?

by Homer » Wed Jun 10, 2015 8:02 am

I don't be a little bitch and have skill.
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Re: How do you guys stand the ganking?

by winfernal » Wed Jun 10, 2015 8:15 am

Just don't quit. Take it. Grow a thick skin.

If you can get through STV, a.k.a Vietnam, you can take anything.

If you get ganked, move on, don't whine. Group up.
Winfernal - 60 Orc Warrior (PvP)
Torghatten - 60 Gnome Mage (PvP)
Razà - 60 Undead Rogue (PvP)

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Re: How do you guys stand the ganking?

by Apinanraivo » Wed Jun 10, 2015 10:03 am

Spend more time offline and getting rested for your exp in an inn, then you'll waste less time lvling and getting ganked. You can also choose safe areas to grind mobs once you have rested exp.

Re: How do you guys stand the ganking?

by Mryul » Wed Jun 10, 2015 10:52 am

hahaha no. Only 1 server. maybe you're not fit for playing vanilla.
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Re: How do you guys stand the ganking?

by PanTheSatyr » Wed Jun 10, 2015 1:06 pm

Xylon666Darkstar wrote:There will NEVER be a pve server of Nost either until you and/or any other carebears provide the financial and manpower resources to the devs. Stop being selfish and ignorant.

"Stop being selfish" says the guy who apparently likes PvP and hates people who want a PvE realm. Please look up "ironic" in the dictionary.
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Re: How do you guys stand the ganking?

by Simonich » Wed Jun 10, 2015 1:33 pm

The funny thing is that gankers (like me probably) never complain about getting ganked, you know why? Cause they know how to avoid it. You just learn to look around you, and you should not rezz right where your corpse is, at the line of sight of your ganker.

I never camp anyone, but if someone camps me, I get away.
Last edited by Simonich on Wed Jun 10, 2015 1:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Was good to have you all

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