Logged on Kronos last night, 6.30pm, that's peak time UK, 7.30pm in mainland Europe (8.30pm in some parts).
300 online.
Over 6k online at Nost.
I'll just continue playing with a slight delay than on a dead server.
Tekko wrote:Logged on Kronos last night, 6.30pm, that's peak time UK, 7.30pm in mainland Europe (8.30pm in some parts).
300 online.
Over 6k online at Nost.
I'll just continue playing with a slight delay than on a dead server.
Arael wrote:Tekko wrote:Logged on Kronos last night, 6.30pm, that's peak time UK, 7.30pm in mainland Europe (8.30pm in some parts).
300 online.
Over 6k online at Nost.
I'll just continue playing with a slight delay than on a dead server.
This is a good example of marketing.
A common player log in Nost and see 6.000 players from /who (and he doesn't even know the count is altered, it's the whole server, not just his faction), meanwhile log in in Kronos and see a lower number (300) not knowing it's his own faction only.
The numbers have an huge impact on his feeling and he choose Nost over Kronos at first sight.
Tekko wrote:Not really.
I could login to Kronos and see 600 online, and then see 3k online on Nost and still feel the same.
Arael wrote:Tekko wrote:Not really.
I could login to Kronos and see 600 online, and then see 3k online on Nost and still feel the same.
You must consider the values they had at their opening, Nostalrius showing big numbers (4k whole server, raising day by day) while Kronos being just half of it (1k per faction, and lowered day by day).
It is also rumored Nost faked the count the first days with a Mangos script (you may find video on youtube) just to let people spread the word that there was a really populated server around.
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