Hacked = translation for: I gave my login to a friend who deleted my char.
Those made up fake storys how you got "hacked" are ridiculous, just suck it up and dont share your account if you have no real friends.
Diametra wrote:Brabus wrote:Diametra wrote:If you are like me, you used the same character names here as you did on blizz. .
literally retarded, not exaggerating.
Thank you for your brilliant analysis.
This thread is a warning for folks whom have acted similarly. There is nothing wrong with using the same character names fool. The error lies in rotating in and out the same form of passwords.
Aunstic the account was banned because it was hacked. It wasn't banned because of the name. Also..can you stop bouncing around threads meting out judgements. For a guy who is apparently intelligent, of what use to anyone is your judgements after the fact? Where are you setting up court?
Mimma wrote:Blizzard would never do that. I mean, I could just create a character named after my big bad neighbour to get him banned in retail ... nah.
ceen2 wrote:Hacked = translation for: I gave my login to a friend who deleted my char.
Those made up fake storys how you got "hacked" are ridiculous, just suck it up and dont share your account if you have no real friends.
ceen2 wrote:Hacked = translation for: I gave my login to a friend who deleted my char.
Those made up fake storys how you got "hacked" are ridiculous, just suck it up and dont share your account if you have no real friends.
ceen2 wrote:Hacked = translation for: I gave my login to a friend who deleted my char.
Those made up fake storys how you got "hacked" are ridiculous, just suck it up and dont share your account if you have no real friends.
Diametra wrote:I'm not trying to insult you. Where did you read that? And you also know I am not referring to your explanation of how accounts may or may not be hacked.
That you would find it "funny" and your aimlessly wandering around threads to toss off some knee jerk reaction serves no other purpose than to garner yourself some type of feel good.
Why don't you put yourself to some use on the forum?
My question was, of what use are your little judgements? what purpose do they serve?
AverageJoe wrote:Not necessarily. Phishing sites and keyloggers can result in one having their account hacked despite never having once shared their account information with another person. A lot of gold and account buying/selling/trading websites can install malicious software that will attempt to steal your credentials.
Diametra wrote:To put it in perspective:
This hack happened the day I tried to sign on to the new front page sign in of Nostalrius to check password reset. The retail wow account has not only been inactive since february (aside from me signing on after hack)
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/s ... tra/simple
It is also frozen at my request since february.
It's a safe bet that anyone who would hack the account would have to know there is some type of correlation between nostalrius and WoW. As I have no other combination of character names and passwords other than these (only game i play...I'm on a mac), The obvious guess would be it is related to this site.
Is it possible it was arrived at some other way? After four months...hell I guess anything is possible even though the password is not guessable. Therefore: my original intent of this fucking thread stands- change all of your passwords.
Mdmadam wrote:I've had worse happen to me then you. I had an authenticator attached to my account and was still hacked. And by the time I came back to the game, after a long break, almost all of my stuff was gone. I contacted a GM through email and they said they couldn't restore my items. This is very frustrating because my authenticator was still active and attached to my phone so it makes it hard for me to figure out how they hacked it. Secondly all of the time and effort I put into my toon from the very launch of the game until that point in time (it was mid-Cata era) was wiped clean. That was a lot of time and money down the drain. At that point I unsubscribed, told them I was not going to be purchasing any more of their expansions or resubscribing and also let them know that I would be advising many of their customers to do the same. I then wished them best of luck with their sinking ship and that was that. Oh and yes I've been able to get a numerous amount of people I know to stop playing retail WoW and continue to campaign against Activision and its crap. I think 20-25 friends I know in real life have quit, some even play on this server today.