Horde's domination over the Alliance

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Re: Horde's domination over the Alliance

by diogenes » Wed Jul 29, 2015 4:56 am

Krom wrote:

Honestly, I think it was a brilliant and slightly satirical post (but mostly sarcastic) of what the op essentially said.

But then again, anytime anyone says something that anyone disagrees with, they're automatically a troll. Right? (especially if you're so dull as to miss the humor)
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Re: Horde's domination over the Alliance

by Xylon666Darkstar » Wed Jul 29, 2015 1:18 pm

Thegrapist wrote:here is an analysis of both factions:

Apathetic by and large towards others when being ganked, tends to try the 1v1 approach more than alliance, less likely to defend a lowbie area from ganks, more likely to initiate combat

favors zerging primarily, more likely to aid players being ganked, more likely to come to lowbies aid, less likely to initiate combat UNLESS a numerical or other advantage is present

horde are apathetic and ruthless, alliancfe are carebears and cowards

I find this to be spot on within this server.
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Re: Horde's domination over the Alliance

by Lompcent » Wed Jul 29, 2015 1:26 pm

Tylana wrote:Leveling my 3rd Horde Char right now. From my experience Horde player do attack/camp much much less. When i Quest in a crowded place where Allys outnumber us im 95% Death. On the other hand i see alot of allys Kill mobs beside 5+ Horde players untouched. Also the number of high lvl allys in low lvl zones killing/camping low levels is unreal. So no matter what u say on ally side are way more aggro kids.

did you ever try leveling an ally because the part of allies killing mobs nearby 5+ hordes being untoched is not true. they are 100% dead if the horde are with more than 1. the horde is far more aggresive
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Re: Horde's domination over the Alliance

by Lompcent » Wed Jul 29, 2015 1:29 pm

Mdmadam wrote:Its all about where you're playing from and what time you play. NA Horde players will probably find NA Ally to be the campers and immature players, while Euro Ally players playing during their time will find Euro Horde to be corpse camping and immature.

as an ally this is quite true for the alliance, cant say for the horde. but the moment its evening and the american allies start dropping by. the amount of whining, bitching ,insulting , afking , dodging in bg's increases. and in av most of the times they are rep grinders that rather throw the game than trying to win.
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Re: Horde's domination over the Alliance

by Talryx » Wed Jul 29, 2015 1:29 pm

Yeah I stand by everything I said. Allies gank, camp, and run when outnumbered way more than horde. They're generally just fucking assholes all around. I've said my peace, call it anecdotal if you want. It happens to be true.
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Re: Horde's domination over the Alliance

by The Shortest Path » Wed Jul 29, 2015 2:50 pm

Both factions are exactly the same except for the endgame pvp guilds. This has always been true on WoW servers, the only differences are entirely anecdotal except when there's a huge population imbalance which doesn't exist on this server.

Everyone is an asshole, everyone ganks, everyone corpsecamps, everyone zergs grinding areas.
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Re: Horde's domination over the Alliance

by earelith » Wed Jul 29, 2015 4:04 pm

Ally here..I play with a friend together. We are level 20 but we have come in contact with horde many times..in Wetlands while trying to go to darkshore, in redridge and in westfall...

I dont know if i am just lucky, but 9 out 10 times the horde dont kill me...they just passing by..only 2 times got killed and that by a rogue and hunter. But luckily they did not camp our corpses, they just moved on.

When i was playing in vanilla (official), horde was dominating as well...they were better players and more team players...8n bg, if you happened to be that rare alliance players that will hit their healer, they got all target you..whe i was healing as ally with my paladin, i was beaten by 2-3 horde and alliance just pass by me, not helping..

If i did not like humans/elves i would definitely play horde...but thats the real trade..you trade nice looking toons for better gameplay experience..that was always the case, until blood elves of course..
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Re: Horde's domination over the Alliance

by Krom » Wed Jul 29, 2015 4:40 pm

diogenes wrote:Krom wrote:


Honestly, I think it was a brilliant and slightly satirical post (but mostly sarcastic) of what the op essentially said.

But then again, anytime anyone says something that anyone disagrees with, they're automatically a troll. Right? (especially if you're so dull as to miss the humor)

Ofc I did understand the humor and the satirical note, it's more about the MEME than about his post, wich was really well written and made me laugh a lot.

For my opinion, everything, and as I say everything you can and will talk here about is just complete nonsense, as EVERY gank/troll/douche ig EVER, is an INDIVIDUAL person playing the World of Warcraft who could have just rolled Alliance or Horde for a reason or another (plus considering people tend to play on both sides often ...).

As long as there are not permanents and organisated ganksquads/guilds griefers on one faction, or a huge difference between both population, any of your bad experiences will stay a subjective one :)

tl;dr : Hey guys, Ear here, best cow hater of Nostalrius but also the World
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Re: Horde's domination over the Alliance

by Robotron » Wed Jul 29, 2015 5:43 pm

Krom wrote:tl;dr : Hey guys, Ear here, best cow hater of Nostalrius but also the World

Excuse me?
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Re: Horde's domination over the Alliance

by Drain » Wed Jul 29, 2015 8:22 pm

This guy must not have ever entered AV if he thinks the Horde has it made. Putting aside how rigged the BG is for Alliance, our Horde has too many players that would rather lose quickly(giving you a win) as opposed to fighting it out for a win themselves. I wish you could see all the crying, bickering, raging, etc, that goes on in our AV chat every day when a game doesn't end in 15m.
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