First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

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Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by Bio-Booster » Tue Aug 04, 2015 9:56 pm

Neptunetitus wrote:Just a question for an officers or founders of entitled. Did you really think that having a guild name like entitled would attract anything more than a bunch of douchebags and spoiled brats? Your guild was doomed to failure the moment you gave it such a stupid name. If you really thought that any decent people would join a guild with the name "Entitled", you're a huge idiot. The server is better off without you.

Nothing to see here, just another kid looking to get a jab in, who didn't even bother to read the fucking post.
I don't blame him though, I still don't get the joke the op was trying to make.

Ouroborous and their reform guild are the one that broke up over drama, <Entitled> just sniped 15-20 of their top tier players so we could bolster our ranks, and fill out our second MC raid, which we originally were just planning to do with alts and pugs. We've been (thankfully) more/less drama free since Samsta (lord bless his name) decided to rage quit one evening after getting yelled at for trying to screw over a guild mate on the purchase of a BIS tanking item out of world chat.

We're now running two full clear MC's weekly, with potential to do 3 Weekly Ony's/2 BWL's/ and like 12 fucking ZG raids, if we go that direction.

The fact that these well geared, competent players found it a good solution to shack up with us, should speak volumes about our leadership and stability.

Since you bothered to make your forum name different from your ign, we'll never know what shit guild you're rolling in.

Thanks for your concern, all the same.
Last edited by Bio-Booster on Tue Aug 04, 2015 10:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by SloppyBeaver » Tue Aug 04, 2015 10:01 pm

Which is awesome because now we have 2 whole raids working together to progress as a guild. But you're right Entitled is a stupid name we should disband
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Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by Bio-Booster » Tue Aug 04, 2015 10:10 pm

Talesavo wrote:
SloppyBeaver wrote:Ill just do a quick reply because Im not going to explain why i quit. I requested in our guild forums on a PM to have the next Bonereaver's (I have passed on 4 2 handers in the past month). I have attended 17 raids with Ouroboros and have geared up while tanking for multiple guildies. There was hostility between the guild since the GM/master looter tried to split the guild on Thursday. After the guild worked things out they completely ignored me for the request for the 2 hander and gave it to a new raider who has never attended a raid with us before, and also /gquit that night. I quit Ouro not beacuse of the item itself it was the fact that the leadership was so corrupt and all of them raid logged and never helped with anything. They all had epic mounts while tanks struggled to farm their own raid consumables. The item, and the way it was passed to a new recruit was just the powder keg to EVERYONE in the guild. If you dont know what happened next ask anyone in <Entitled>. Over 20 people /gquit from Ouroboros to follow me because they knew that guild was falling apart and they screwed me over 5 weeks in a row with 2 handers.

Edit: I didn't want the legendary I wanted to sword. I am exalted with Stormpike, im not buying the unstopable force when I am/was/still am in a raiding guild to get a better weapon.

Two sides to every story, sorry I flamed. :(

While you're handing out apologies, how about one to me and my guild?

I'd be happy to make amends over this incident.,ZSG54S3#0

Now that your hunter has swallowed his pride and signed up on the list anyway.

Let me know.

Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by Badtank » Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:05 pm

The banter is high.
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Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by AMzo » Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:12 pm

Amends for alliance killing horde?
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Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by Talesavo » Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:18 pm

Bio-Booster wrote:
Talesavo wrote:
SloppyBeaver wrote:Ill just do a quick reply because Im not going to explain why i quit. I requested in our guild forums on a PM to have the next Bonereaver's (I have passed on 4 2 handers in the past month). I have attended 17 raids with Ouroboros and have geared up while tanking for multiple guildies. There was hostility between the guild since the GM/master looter tried to split the guild on Thursday. After the guild worked things out they completely ignored me for the request for the 2 hander and gave it to a new raider who has never attended a raid with us before, and also /gquit that night. I quit Ouro not beacuse of the item itself it was the fact that the leadership was so corrupt and all of them raid logged and never helped with anything. They all had epic mounts while tanks struggled to farm their own raid consumables. The item, and the way it was passed to a new recruit was just the powder keg to EVERYONE in the guild. If you dont know what happened next ask anyone in <Entitled>. Over 20 people /gquit from Ouroboros to follow me because they knew that guild was falling apart and they screwed me over 5 weeks in a row with 2 handers.

Edit: I didn't want the legendary I wanted to sword. I am exalted with Stormpike, im not buying the unstopable force when I am/was/still am in a raiding guild to get a better weapon.

Two sides to every story, sorry I flamed. :(

While you're handing out apologies, how about one to me and my guild?

I'd be happy to make amends over this incident.,ZSG54S3#0

Now that your hunter has swallowed his pride and signed up on the list anyway.

Let me know.

Nah, because if you handled it like an adult, there would have been zero problems. If you had approached him and told him that you had created a system that allowed people to get it done without interruption and if he'd be willing to join the list, he could accomplish that, then that's one thing. But threatening that if he didn't follow some nebulous list, he'd be camped by Horde because you said so is some childish ass shit. People are free to do whatever the fuck they want, using veiled threats to force people to adhere to some standard on a world PvP server is for the birds.

It's the prerogative of each individual on this server to go about their business as long it doesn't break ToU, it's commendable that you wanted to streamline the process, but don't cry when people don't want to play ball. If I was a douchebag, I'd sit at the spawn spots all fucking day and ruin Hunter's chances as much as I could, people certainly do it in low level starting zones, but I happen not to be, so I don't, but I wont begrudge people of their fun.

-those fucks at blizzard banned talesavo13. :(
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Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by The Shortest Path » Wed Aug 05, 2015 12:18 am

Thanks for making me aware that there's a very easily fucked-with system in place for hunters doing their quest, now I can fuck with hunters so much more easily.
The Shortest Path
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Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by Badtank » Wed Aug 05, 2015 12:19 am

Talesavo wrote:Nah, because if you handled it like an adult, there would have been zero problems. If you had approached him and told him that you had created a system that allowed people to get it done without interruption and if he'd be willing to join the list, he could accomplish that, then that's one thing. But threatening that if he didn't follow some nebulous list, he'd be camped by Horde because you said so is some childish ass shit. People are free to do whatever the fuck they want, using veiled threats to force people to adhere to some standard on a world PvP server is for the birds.

It's the prerogative of each individual on this server to go about their business as long it doesn't break ToU, it's commendable that you wanted to streamline the process, but don't cry when people don't want to play ball. If I was a douchebag, I'd sit at the spawn spots all fucking day and ruin Hunter's chances as much as I could, people certainly do it in low level starting zones, but I happen not to be, so I don't, but I wont begrudge people of their fun.

"handled like an adlult"

You threw a fucking temper tantrum worse then my one year old does when I take a toy away. It was embarrassing. You where the only one threatening, the horde hunters informed people if they didn't follow they list that would be camped, that's not threatening its a warning. The only threatening I see here is from a selfish kid that can't handle himself not being in control of the situation.

There is a difference in fucking with lowbies and fucking with high end raiders. One of them involves people that matter and being warned of consequences is more of a friendly heads up. Especially when your attempting to a long fucking quest that can be so massively and easily griefed, It might just be a good idea to get your head out of your ass. But hey maybe if your parents had beat your ass when you spoke out of turn maybe you could have learned some humility or even the most basic concept that sharing is good for everyone involved and maybe you shouldn't act like a entitled brat.
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Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by Imbaslap » Wed Aug 05, 2015 12:26 am

<Blacklisted Raid Leader>
Local Horde Kidnapper of Tarren Mill.
Rift Allstar Cleric 2011-2013
World 1st and 2nds with guilds Addiction/Blackout/Babytown/Trinity.
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Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by Badtank » Wed Aug 05, 2015 12:26 am

Imbaslap wrote:Image

I love to provide.
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