Talryx wrote:I will say this. When I first found out about Nost a couple of months ago, I was thrilled. I was playing at least a few hours a day for a couple months and I had several alts going. But after a certain point, I started to lose interest. At first I thought I was just getting sick of the game but honestly, it's the community.
I'm not sure yet if I am 100% done or not but I haven't played in a couple weeks and really it's because easily 50-75% of the players are total assholes. I'm not even talking about racism or whatever in the chat, I mean going out of their way to be total scum. I have seen people screw players IN THEIR OWN FACTION doing shit like killing a quest objective with a long spawn just so the other players have to wait around even longer. How about all the dungeon nonsense with people need-rolling shit just to sell it? Or the ganking psychos that have a dummy account on the opposing faction, just so they can track someone down to kill on their main?
I could list a lot more examples but you get the point.
Honestly, man, WoW is just going to be like this on pretty much any server you choose. I have a theory on why. Mainly based on it's size which allows for massive international play. I have no proof to substantiate this but I believe it is easily the largest international community in any MMO. In terms of the amount of different countries and diversity that's included in the population.
I'm going to preface this next part with the fact that ALL players can be total assholes. However, I've found that the majority of these players are foreign. Some speak english, some don't, and others can't even communicate but show toxic behavior through ninja-looting and general douche-baggery. I'm sure some of you international players out there are nice - but the majority of you aren't. And as natural as human behavior, we will lump you all together and generalize everyone the same way that we meet who is foreign until proven wrong. Sorry - but your vocal minority/majority made this bed that you must all lie within.
The solution is just to be in a NA guild and let the good times roll. I pretty much just use /world for hilarity after a too-large dab and thank marijuanjesus I don't have actually interact with any of these retards.
You should try it, sometime.