Ana wrote:illutian wrote:Not BlizzLike.
And that still wouldn't fix it. If what you say is true and they're multi-boxing enough to camp the specific spawns of Black Lotus. Changing them to be part of 'common herb' spawn means the multi-boxers will just make more account to camp the new areas.
It would mitigate the problem somewhat. There is no way chinese farm bots can camp every single spawn of every single high level herb in the game... A single farmer machine can't handle multiboxing 20 accounts
The "blizzlike/not blizzlike" point is so moot in regard to this server that isn't not even worth mentioning, tbh.
A sub $1000 system can easily run 20 clients
on best settings. -- I highly doubt they're using eMachines.
And judging by the lack of Copper nodes in every freaking zone I've been. It is very possible that farmers would camp every single spawn point.
But, for real, think of what your solution would do. Instead of people one node out of say every 5 in a zone (because that's the ratio of 'common' to 'uncommon' nodes). You're idea would have all of the nodes being camped
by both raid farmers and "for profit" farms.
Side Note:
Any ya'll remember when nodes were spawning in the air (ie Mithril above Rachet). What if that was Nost's dev team testing randomized spawns for nodes, which I'm betting randomized the Z-axis; putting them up in the air or down below ground.