Quitting the game, will not stand for Blizzlike imbalance.

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Re: Quitting the game, will not stand for Blizzlike imbalanc

by zusukie » Tue Sep 22, 2015 1:26 am

Diggot wrote:Hunters instatrap - needs to be put on a 3 second cast-timer...
Crowdcontrolls such as Sap, blind, sheep.... all needs to be put on a 8sec duration MAX with diminishing returns.
Paladins bubbles needs to vanish when they commit an offensive action such as attack or spells.

haha :D
Zusukie - High Warlord Shaman Class Leader of <Emphasis>

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Re: Quitting the game, will not stand for Blizzlike imbalanc

by Carson » Tue Sep 22, 2015 10:37 am

Bye! :) Goodluck!

Re: Quitting the game, will not stand for Blizzlike imbalanc

by PanTheSatyr » Tue Sep 22, 2015 5:31 pm

PvP Realm
Malachic - Lv 60 Mage (Frost)
Malapriest - Lv 60 Priest (Heals)
Malahunt - Lv 60 Hunter (Bang/Twang)

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Re: Quitting the game, will not stand for Blizzlike imbalanc

by Mryul » Wed Sep 23, 2015 5:40 am

Diggot wrote:Having had my doubt for a while about how the server would progress and how the pvp-gear and content
would develope compared to the pve gear, i asked the question and got the answer..
This is a Blizzlike server as much as possible which means that it will have a retarded balance in many
things, and nothing will get sorted because it's blizzlike. And when a server is getting updated with patches
that contained "fix" that made a skill or class severely overpowered... i'm not having it.

So i've decided NOT to go through the aggravation of trying to let the devs see the issues because i
now know that they are going for Blizzlike and not balance ... blizztard and balance are 2 totally different things.

Here are a few things that are currently in need of fixing and nothing will be one about it because its blizzlike.

Hunters instatrap - needs to be put on a 3 second cast-timer...
Crowdcontrolls such as Sap, blind, sheep.... all needs to be put on a 8sec duration MAX with diminishing returns.
Paladins bubbles needs to vanish when they commit an offensive action such as attack or spells.

Currently anyone can pay high-tier guilds money and get the best weapons in game.... while pvpers
has to grind for MONTHS to get their weapons - which are weaker..

PvP gear needs to have a clear advantage over pve gear in pvp... and vice versa.... this isn't going to happen.

I'm a pvper, so i expect to be rewarded for my work and grind on a pvp-server... what i don't expect is someone
who lives in dungeons to come out with better gear for pvp, and facemelt my character with some weapon
he looted after 1 month of farming a raid, while it takes me several months AT BEST - to get highest rank
in pvp, only to get an outdated weapon good for vendoring or disenchanting.

I will never stand for unbalance in games, in gear, rewards or classes when its mmo's.

I will login from time to time and play some on my shaman-alt... that's it.

Enjoy your constantly imbalanced server.

lol. go on and leave kid nobody cares about you. go back to retail where you belong
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Re: Quitting the game, will not stand for Blizzlike imbalanc

by Shiggs13 » Wed Sep 23, 2015 3:49 pm

Rec wrote:comes to vanilla server

complains about vanilla

This lol
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