gussman wrote:
#1 Mines.
•They are supposed to be ingame.
•They should get a slight damage reducement to like maximum of ~1200 damage. I have read on web archive that they did high damage but like 1500-1600 is really a lot if you think of the HP of level 51-59 and even lvl 60 clothies. 1 Mine should not one shot a player.
•There is a bug (reported already) that lots of Mines need to be disabled completly after Explosive Expert death and Mine Layers death. One wave of mines from Mine layer and one wave of mines from Explosive Expert.
•Also they could need a longer respawn time, because it is literally a punishment to enter the snow since Mines respawn so fast, the game doesnt allow to go there...
•Also mines are not everywhere, only on snow.
#2 No Reinforements.
•They were added in TBC.
•Strategy is up to the players. With the Bugs right now you cant even do much strategy because Bugs punish you.
#3 Alliance's base impenetrable.
•There is a Bug (reported i think) with Alliance base that the respawn time of the NPCs in Dun Baldar is 2 minutes, which prevents hard to do any progress there. You cannot tell anyone setting Elites to a respawn time of 2 min is normal.
•If you try to cap a Bunker its normal that you get hit by Rangers when you are in their sight. Its normal.
•Elites are there equal for each faction and they are where they have to be with some slight position change needed.
#4 Rangers.
•They should not despawn but they should stop respawning when a Bunker/Tower is assaulted. Once Captured they should start respawning. I have read on Wowpedia and tested retail WoD.
•And yes people will quit and quit AV after some time, because of the bugs, its not even possible to work with Wing Commanders, i reported them that the Horde ones should not walk up to Snowfall Graveyard and that you cannot bring enough Flesh because the corpse loot is bugged aswell. People dont bring it back because it doesnt work, thats why you cant work with your team to atleast try and farm the Flesh in hardcore mode for hours...
#5 Insignias.
•Cant do anything here, its normal. Not a bug.
In short - what the hell? Fix.
•I agree.
•There are still lots of bugs in there :S
•Only reason for me to join AV would be testing out my damage.