LazyPig, Infinite Scrolling, tradeDispenser, and more...

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Re: LazyPig, Infinite Scrolling, tradeDispenser, and more...

by zerf » Sun Oct 11, 2015 10:20 pm

This does nothing, you would still get marked afk and autologged out.
Goldesel wrote:type: /run if(_g_g_f == nil)then _g_g_f = CreateFrame("frame"); end function _g_g_() SitOrStand();end; if(_g_g_b == nil) then _g_g_b = 1; _g_g_f:SetScript("OnUpdate", _g_g_); else _g_g_b = nil; _g_g_f:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil); end
in your chat and enjoy your ban
vanilla wow addon collection -
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Re: LazyPig, Infinite Scrolling, tradeDispenser, and more...

by Conjure » Sun Oct 11, 2015 11:23 pm

We need some clarification here GM's.
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Re: LazyPig, Infinite Scrolling, tradeDispenser, and more...

by yadungoofed » Sun Oct 11, 2015 11:38 pm

Let's not.
Last edited by Pottu on Mon Oct 12, 2015 2:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Inventory deletion macro
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Re: LazyPig, Infinite Scrolling, tradeDispenser, and more...

by TaurenRogue » Sun Oct 11, 2015 11:54 pm

the above macro will delete shit for you really efficiently... dont use it
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Re: LazyPig, Infinite Scrolling, tradeDispenser, and more...

by yadungoofed » Sun Oct 11, 2015 11:55 pm

TaurenRogue wrote:the above macro will delete shit for you really efficiently... dont use it

It's 200% more efficient™.
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Re: LazyPig, Infinite Scrolling, tradeDispenser, and more...

by Mopar » Mon Oct 12, 2015 7:05 am

I believe that at this point, using both Lazypig and tradeDispenser is now completely safe. This is because both have had a big stink raised on the forums. Therefore, if someone got banned for using either of them NOW, it would cause a big loss of face for Nost, especially after both have been cleared explicitly in various posts.

Note however that tradeDispenser CAN auto-trade-accept, CAN accept gold, CAN automatically spam an ad with a timer, and DOES whisper messages back automatically, although it cannot automatically conjure water. So there is the possibility of appearing to be a bot if you make a ton of food & water and go AFK 10 minutes at a time, coming back to press the spacebar. GMs would not be able to tell the difference between that and external automation unless they spent more than 10 minutes evaluating your character.
The pizza level in my bloodstream is dangerously low.
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Re: LazyPig, Infinite Scrolling, tradeDispenser, and more...

by Conjure » Mon Oct 12, 2015 8:34 am

Mopar wrote:I believe that at this point, using both Lazypig and tradeDispenser is now completely safe. This is because both have had a big stink raised on the forums. Therefore, if someone got banned for using either of them NOW, it would cause a big loss of face for Nost, especially after both have been cleared explicitly in various posts.

Note however that tradeDispenser CAN auto-trade-accept, CAN accept gold, CAN automatically spam an ad with a timer, and DOES whisper messages back automatically, although it cannot automatically conjure water. So there is the possibility of appearing to be a bot if you make a ton of food & water and go AFK 10 minutes at a time, coming back to press the spacebar. GMs would not be able to tell the difference between that and external automation unless they spent more than 10 minutes evaluating your character.

I'm not so sure about this. Look at the GM reply from OP's Screenshot.""If you use any automation that continues even if you are not at your computer we do not allow it""

Viper- "Using tradeDispenser won't get you banned"

Seems to me, if we even use Tradedispenser, we'll get banned. Because it does do the auto-trade-accept, and a timer for advertisement/whispers. But, then again. Viper said TradeDispenser was legal. So, now. We have a battle of GM vs Head GM. It's contradicting itself.
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Re: LazyPig, Infinite Scrolling, tradeDispenser, and more...

by BoxerBriefly » Mon Oct 12, 2015 12:32 pm

Vanillerific wrote:So using TradeDispenser is not bannable? It was clearly the focal point of the reason that I was banned. ... 10#p163019

TradeDispenser alone is not the reason you were banned. I read the thread you linked, and this thread as well. It appears you were banned for using the addon in conjunction with third party automation software. The GMs seem to believe that you were online for periods of time that were outside the normal bounds of what's considered human-like behavior.

There was also another thread, where a GM stated that the addon itself was safe to use. If you were banned erroneously, and indeed are innocent, then I'm sorry, because that is very unfortunate. But, just to be clear, you weren't banned solely for using TradeDispenser.
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Re: LazyPig, Infinite Scrolling, tradeDispenser, and more...

by Memegank » Mon Oct 12, 2015 12:44 pm

BoxerBriefly wrote:The GMs seem to believe that you were online for periods of time that were outside the normal bounds of what's considered human-like behavior.

Maybe he's super human. Image
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Re: LazyPig, Infinite Scrolling, tradeDispenser, and more...

by Vanillerific » Mon Oct 12, 2015 5:00 pm

BoxerBriefly wrote:
Vanillerific wrote:So using TradeDispenser is not bannable? It was clearly the focal point of the reason that I was banned. ... 10#p163019

TradeDispenser alone is not the reason you were banned. I read the thread you linked, and this thread as well. It appears you were banned for using the addon in conjunction with third party automation software. The GMs seem to believe that you were online for periods of time that were outside the normal bounds of what's considered human-like behavior.

There was also another thread, where a GM stated that the addon itself was safe to use. If you were banned erroneously, and indeed are innocent, then I'm sorry, because that is very unfortunate. But, just to be clear, you weren't banned solely for using TradeDispenser.

Here's what happened (fact):

"yadungoofed" the forum troll saw me handing out water on an industrial scale and realized that I was making money the legit way while he on the other hand just had his auction house sniper banned and probably a fair amount of gold deleted. So he parked his level 5 AH sniper next to me and recorded me handing out water. He actually told me he was going to do this. So I /ignored him and just did my own thing because I wasn't breaking any rules.

Here's what I believe happened next:

Guy sends in a ticket. Video shows me standing on the bridge and lots of people running up and trading me. When I start getting low on water/food I conjure more. After I conjure I drink...because mana. And here's the big scary part that I was supposedly doing to stay online....after I drink I jump. Not to stay online, but because it happens to be the easiest way back to a standing position.

Any caster will tell you that you cannot cast while sitting down. Ask them all their preferred method of standing up....I'm sure about 99% will tell you that they press the jump key if they need to stand up but want to stay in the same spot.

Here's where the problem occured:

GM looks at the video. Definitely some automated things going on here...must be a bot. BAN! No GM spoke to me. NO GM teleported me anywhere (which many people asked me about and I wish had happened). I wasn't even online at the time of my ban. So then I made a thread that got poisoned by the very person trying to get me banned (and a bunch of forum trolls) and they created so much noise that no one obviously even looked at the addon and its featured until I was perma banned.

As far as the online time:

I would love to see how often I was online. I guarantee it's less than many other players. In fact many times I saw the same crew of people chatting in IF with eachother and watched them the whole time I was there until I left. I also gave out water repeatedly to the same PVPers over and over. I know I'm not the only one that stays online for long streches of time. I was handing out water/food for 2 weeks. The whole first week was a DC fest because of server stability. So they are basing this off of 5 or 6 days maybe? At least a few of which are raid days. If I was banned for being online too long then they should post the logs of my connect/disconnects for those 2 weeks so that the rest of you can see just how impossible my online time was.

Eventually they finally take a look at the addon after the community started a bunch of forum posts and deem that it's completely legal. Obivously they can't reverse my ban. It'd start a shitstorm....silithus miners, etc. So I remain banned to save face. A victim of a flawed system, and a staff without knowledge of addons (or the will to read a description until after making a permanent decision).

So now TradeDispenser is legal. If I were to log on another 60 mage that is not Vanillerific and do the same thing for the same amount of time would I be banned? How long is too long? What exactly was I banned for? There was no 3rd party software. I wasn't aware the amount of time I was online per day had to be limited to a certain number of hours. How long was I online for? All questions that will never be answered.


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