by popezaphod » Wed Mar 04, 2015 7:42 pm
First off, it is quite an achievement to have such a stable server with over 5,000 people playing at one time. The devs are to be congratulated for accomplishing this.
However, it is a valid question to wonder whether having over twice the players of 2004 Retail WoW on one realm is a Vanilla experience. The world. quests, respawn rates, etc. simply weren't designed for 5,000 people at one time.
(NOTE: I am not 100% sure of the validity of the "2,500 player limit" as there is conflicting info out on the 'net about this.)
On the other hand, the only way to have a "real" Vanilla WoW experience is to go back to 2004 and have your memories of WoW removed from your mind. We all have much more knowledge and experience than we did 11 years ago. So maybe we can have some pseudo-Vanilla things... like 5,000 players on at one time.
I don't think there should be a second realm unless there are SO many players online that either the server can't handle it or the game becomes completely unplayable due to numbers. No one wants to have a queue to get into the game, but until we break Nostalrius Begins, I see no reason to have Nostalrius Begins 2: Electric Boogaloo.
"Well, Zaphod's just this Pope, you know?
Ember - Druid - <At Your Service>
* WoW: Open Beta through intro of BC, then back for WotLK and left before Cata*