by Skegglaus » Tue Mar 10, 2015 12:17 am
"YOU THERE! I don't like the way you play! It has 0 impact on me, but I FORBID YOU! I will now proceed to insult you over the decision of your and those you play with, to agree to something that I would not agree to!"
If you want an item from a dungeon, don't join groups where that item is reserved. If you're opposed to the idea of reserving items, don't join groups where an item is reserved. If all groups that you can find have an item reserved, form your own.
People are simply organising in a manner which they consider expedient; one party member is there for a specific item, and will not join unless said item, should it drops, goes to him. If the other members agree to that, then that is their business, not yours (And if you are part of that group, then either convince the person to give up his claim, or one of you should get a different group).
Being hostile regarding other people's behaviour, when such behaviour is voluntarily accepted by those participating and those affected by it, is childish and elitist. And a host of other, not-very-nice adjectives.
I, for one, shan't boycott reserved groups. I shan't reserve items, either. Live and let live, and all that.