by Phaleg » Mon Mar 16, 2015 4:51 pm
eotrampage wrote:Phaleg wrote:
So you sit on your hands and do nothing because "they didn't tell you to?" Take initiative then, its really not that hard. Also the developer's have been posting weekly updates/patchnotes under the Announcements board. I'd say global announcements when the server gets extremely laggy/something goes awry (re: The Hattening) is communication.
ROFL why should I do anything about something I havent even thought 1 second off? Are you saying I was talking about world chat? If so you are a fucking moron because I havent. And I cant change spawn rates etc or I wouldve done it already xd
The world chat was just an example of people complaining instead of doing. I'm more distressed that I give you legitimate answers on how to do the best thing you can do from the position of a player and you resort to name calling. That's not how you have a discussion, friend.
You could just move to another area or zone if the spawn rates are too low for you, but that's something that tends to happen when the population is as high as it is. That's called taking matters into your own hands, you work around it instead of hoping for the mythical GMs to fix everything.
"I am Phaleg, spirit of Olympia... Son of man... If you yearn for the power of Mars, then walk with me..."