Hexxd wrote:Boo Hoo, PVP is one of the only reasons I'm on this server.
No, it's not. There's half a dozen other pvp 1.12 servers out there as well. You just happened to pick this one. It could just as likely have been Kronos.
Hexxd wrote: World PVP in retail is non existent in most zones due to flying mounts, which is one of the reasons I long ago stopped subscribing.
No, it's not. WoD doesn't have flying in any of their end-level content.
Hexxd wrote:Many others including myself and would leave if this turned into a pussy carebear PVE server.
The only pussies I see are you tryhards killing grey players, camping people who don't fight back, and safespotting like the cowardly noskilled shitbags you are. The funny thing is if twats like you and OG left the server, it would be a
good thing for everyone else.
Hexxd wrote:Go play a single player game if you only want AI to be a threat to you.
Go play Call of Duty with every other squeaking 14 year old cunt who just learned the N-word if you only want to kill other players.
Hexxd wrote:Some of my best memories from the original Vanilla was the random PVP that would occur during boring questing or gathering activities. The game itself is a grind that would not hold my attention if it were not for the possibility that at any second a unpredictable human controlled enemy could appear and throw me into a impossible struggle for survival. Overcoming this attacker (or attackers) is the most thrilling experience the game can offer.
No, it's not. That's like saying your favorite part of the day is when you sit down and jam icepicks into your balls. I mean, unless you're a childish inbred sociopath, then yeah, that makes sense.
Hexxd wrote:So in short please set your petition on fire so we can collectively piss on its ashes.
ysomadbro? Still can't pull your underwear out of your ass from that atomic wedgie you got at Kindergarten today? I swear you people are so easy to read it's pathetic.