[Failed] Petition to change server to PVE

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Re: [Failed] Petition to change server to PVE

by Fogtripper » Tue Mar 17, 2015 2:47 am

"really the only fastest way"

Seriously, that is your counter argument? I too played extensively during vanilla. If one chooses the fastest way via stv, make friends and cut your zone time in at least half. I have leveled characters with that zone and characters ignoring it altogether beyond getting the flight paths.

To claim it is unavoidable when leveling is disingenuous lazy bullshit.

Re: [Failed] Petition to change server to PVE

by NicolasMage » Tue Mar 17, 2015 3:08 am

Regardless of your petition, Nostalrius have said that they have no plans on opening a PVE server and won't be changing this one to PVE. They said they cant please everybody and aren't going to bother trying.
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Re: [Failed] Petition to change server to PVE

by Surreall » Sun Apr 05, 2015 10:34 am

Quest: Hostile Takeover : 7/8 Tumbled crystal. Already spent one hour at this mark and the death count by horde is already 12... Thank you Nostlarius for the so called blizzlike experience , maybe you'll wake up at some point.

Re: [Failed] Petition to change server to PVE

by Nescio » Sun Apr 05, 2015 11:04 am

Blizzard had pve servers in vanilla so stop with this "wpvp is true vanilla" bullshit.Also stop with the pvp propaganda saying that pvp-servers are better populated because they obviously aren't,just check the capital cities almost noone has pvp enabled by default.

And seriously the only reason most private servers are pvp because the devs want to feel extra powerfull in their bis gear and their level 61 stats :lol:

Or they're just as autistic like those they're catering to mostly.

Re: [Failed] Petition to change server to PVE

by Garfunkel » Sun Apr 05, 2015 11:57 am

Nescio wrote:just check the capital cities almost noone has pvp enabled by default

the game automatically switches it off after 5 minutes of non-pvp activity unless you toggle PvP on each time you log in. Which you don't need to do as it is automatically done for you when you enter contested/enemy zones. So a really poor example.

Hydra9268 wrote:Having leveled around 8 characters to max in vanilla, TBC and Wrath I can say for a fact that it is impossible to avoid Strangethorn Vale. You can grind mobs in other areas but questing is really the only fastest way to level and STV lasts 15 levels. Of all the zones it is the 800 pound gorilla that you cannot avoid.

Not true at all. STV can be avoided or you can alternatively do only few of the quests in there.
Last edited by Garfunkel on Sun Apr 05, 2015 12:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Failed] Petition to change server to PVE

by Blackadder » Sun Apr 05, 2015 12:15 pm

Hydra9268 wrote:
Fogtripper wrote:As I posted elsewhere, I have zero sympathy for players who make zero effort to bypass well known pvp areas like stv. After getting the bb fp, there is zero need to do anything there until one is traveling to zg.

Having leveled around 8 characters to max in vanilla, TBC and Wrath I can say for a fact that it is impossible to avoid Strangethorn Vale. You can grind mobs in other areas but questing is really the only fastest way to level and STV lasts 15 levels. Of all the zones it is the 800 pound gorilla that you cannot avoid.

It's perfectly possible to lvl up without doing any STV quest. It might be slightly less effective in terms of xp / hour ON AN EMPTY server, but with a server this populated it might even be better to go to the lesser known alternatives at lvl 33-45.

And yes I am talking about doing quests all the time. I never grind levels I always do quests (+ dungeons)
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Re: [Failed] Petition to change server to PVE

by Corazon » Sun Apr 05, 2015 4:13 pm

Hexxd wrote:Boo Hoo, PVP is one of the only reasons I'm on this server.

No, it's not. There's half a dozen other pvp 1.12 servers out there as well. You just happened to pick this one. It could just as likely have been Kronos.

Hexxd wrote: World PVP in retail is non existent in most zones due to flying mounts, which is one of the reasons I long ago stopped subscribing.

No, it's not. WoD doesn't have flying in any of their end-level content.

Hexxd wrote:Many others including myself and would leave if this turned into a pussy carebear PVE server.

The only pussies I see are you tryhards killing grey players, camping people who don't fight back, and safespotting like the cowardly noskilled shitbags you are. The funny thing is if twats like you and OG left the server, it would be a good thing for everyone else.

Hexxd wrote:Go play a single player game if you only want AI to be a threat to you.

Go play Call of Duty with every other squeaking 14 year old cunt who just learned the N-word if you only want to kill other players.

Hexxd wrote:Some of my best memories from the original Vanilla was the random PVP that would occur during boring questing or gathering activities. The game itself is a grind that would not hold my attention if it were not for the possibility that at any second a unpredictable human controlled enemy could appear and throw me into a impossible struggle for survival. Overcoming this attacker (or attackers) is the most thrilling experience the game can offer.

No, it's not. That's like saying your favorite part of the day is when you sit down and jam icepicks into your balls. I mean, unless you're a childish inbred sociopath, then yeah, that makes sense.

Hexxd wrote:So in short please set your petition on fire so we can collectively piss on its ashes.

ysomadbro? Still can't pull your underwear out of your ass from that atomic wedgie you got at Kindergarten today? I swear you people are so easy to read it's pathetic.
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Re: [Failed] Petition to change server to PVE

by strreamix » Sun Apr 05, 2015 7:09 pm

So funny the PVE players calling the PVP'ers autistic and childish when they are the ones that still haven't learned to combat anything but NPC's in over 10 years.
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Re: [Failed] Petition to change server to PVE

by Durandal » Sun Apr 05, 2015 8:56 pm

strreamix wrote:So funny the PVE players calling the PVP'ers autistic and childish when they are the ones that still haven't learned to combat anything but NPC's in over 10 years.


also remember killing alliance isn't a crime

Re: [Failed] Petition to change server to PVE

by Corazon » Mon Apr 06, 2015 3:36 am

strreamix wrote:So funny the PVE players calling the PVP'ers autistic and childish when they are the ones that still haven't learned to combat anything but NPC's in over 10 years.

HAY GUISE! Looks like we had it all wrong! There IS a way to kill a level 60 player while you're level 18! Ok pvpman, enlighten us. I think you missed the painfully obvious point that all of us are able, but unwilling, to participate.

What's that? Nothing to say? Call me a faggot, or a bad, retreat to your safe corner of predictable baseless arguments, insults, and safespotting.

Do you know what the essence of a PvP server is? A free license to act like a cunt to random people over the internet behind the safety net of anonymity (you're all too cowardly to act this way in public) because you got your bitch ass wooped in school by a kid bigger than you and you're looking to spread the misery to other people.

Besides, if wpvp was so fucking awesome in the first place, Blizzard would have never seen the need to implement battlegrounds, or level brackets.

l2pvp irl bro
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