This was the release timeline of retail and it was great :
Vanilla was release November 23, 2004 (US) (February 11, 2005 in EU)
Patch 1.3.0: 7 March 2005 Dire Maul, Lord Kazzak, Azuregos (3 months after release)
Patch 1.5.0: 7 June 2005 AV, WSG (7 months after release)
Patch 1.6.0: 12 July 2005 Blackwing Lair (8 months after release)
Patch 1.7.0: 13 September 2005 Zul’Gurub, AB (10 months after release)
Patch 1.8.0: 10 October 2005 Dragons of Nightmare (11 months after release)
Patch 1.9.0: 3 January 2006 AQ 20/AQ 40 (14 months after release)
Patch 1.11: 20 June 2006 Naxxramas (19 months after release)
Patch 1.12.1 26 September 2006
The Burning Crusade expansion was released in January 2007.
Source releases on this server is totally pointless and it will drive people away due to overwhelming imbalances.