Brethren's Opinion on his newly aqcuired Tank mace.

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Re: Brethren's Opinion on his newly aqcuired Tank mace.

by kayrn » Mon Mar 30, 2015 4:54 am

You are just attempting to bait responses at this point - pretty obvious to me that more than one person rolled need on an item, Imba clearly stated nothing about endorcing any behavior, only that after research was done that
we do not control what goes on in a PUG dungeon group nor can argue the fact that the other members in the party are stating that he did not ninja the item. it was a fair roll and one member misclicked greed.

Seriously need relax with this witch hunt over some silly epic boe drop.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Brethren's Opinion on his newly aqcuired Tank mace.

by The Shortest Path » Mon Mar 30, 2015 4:59 am

zipzo wrote:
Rekdek wrote:I'm sorry, but since when is needing on an item that the ENTIRE group of people has access to rolling on considered a ninja?

How to decide if this was a 'real' ninja:

1. Were loot rules established at the beginning of the instance stating any BOE's will go to that specific class?
- No

2. Was the loot changed to Master Loot and then given directly to the player in question without people given a chance to roll?
- No

Sorry but, this does not fit the defined term as 'ninja'. Just butthurt players losing on item rolls, as usual.

No, I'm sorry, because it appears you missed the boat on looting ethics in MMOs.

First of all, your point is flawed, because then the only logical way to "ninja" something would be to have to have it master looted to you, and that is not the only form of ninja-ing the word encompasses.

You could essentially say that any drop, BOE or not, isn't ninja'd if any random class rolls on it, going by your assertions, and we all know that's obviously not true. BOE's are not special, they fall under the same ethic as BOP items. In the case of a BOE, if it's an upgrade for you, roll need and equip it. Otherwise everyone needs to roll greed. Even if nobody in the group needed it as an upgrade, everybody should still roll greed. That's what the greed option is for. It's the "I want it for my greed, IE sell/dowhateverIwantwithit" option. Need, means you need it. You need to use it. Needing it because you need gold is faulty.

This is why most raiding guilds master loot, obviously, but in random groups using master loot is chancing your definition of a ninja happening more often. It's a shitty line you have to walk in random groups, between two terribly catered loot systems, so it would do the world (of warcraft) a lot of good if you just abided by these invisible rules while pugging instead of making waves and causing friction with guidelines that have taken years to mold the way they are.

Please point to the location in the World of Warcraft Terms of Use where these "rules" are found, thanks.

Blizzard's own stance on "ninja looting" for over ten years has been "it does not exist except in uses of Master Loot against clearly defined loot rules".
The Shortest Path
Sergeant Major
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