DrunkMonk wrote:Considering the vanilla alternatives, there is nothing better and will be nothing better in the near future (I.e. Kronos P2W). What matters is that the devs' actions stay congruent with their mission statement and continue fixing bugs in a timely manner. Any deviation from this will lead to its decline & demise.
The harsh inflexible and often one dimensional criticisms of Nostalrius is laughable. You're playing a game for FREE and the operators claim to have no expectation to profit from their investment. Considering their incentives to develop the world's #1 vanilla server, they've done a fabulous job.
P.s. still waiting on valid arguments criticizing nost
Totally agree here.
And if the whiners want a better server, then it's the time they begin donating. There is a donation up, so go for it. DONATE!
This server is still the best vanilla server, and with Kronos being P2W and ED dead, nothing will beat it.
Yes there are some small bugs, but they will be fixed very soon. Nothing to cry about. Also, many players are bitter about drops, gold and item duping. There are absolutely no evidence for this, no evidence. And if you have, then show us.