Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

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Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by Clonk » Sat Mar 28, 2015 12:26 pm

pakao wrote:So, regnam and clonk will move to kronos, you can have an idea what it will look like over there

You just hate freedom, you little fag.
Oi - 60 rogue
- GM of kronos GRIZZLY
- Highest rogue dps on nost
- Trans-black woman with queer tendencies
- Pronouns she/her/herself and zhe/zir/zoidself
- Good at finding epics in heavy junkboxes
- Elite pronounceable two-letter name
- Snappy dresser

Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by Regnam1 » Sat Mar 28, 2015 12:28 pm

pakao wrote:So, regnam and clonk will move to kronos, you can have an idea what it will look like over there

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Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by waffle » Sat Mar 28, 2015 12:30 pm

Why is this even such a big question...I mean, did you see the Kronos 'team'?

What will happen once there are(and there WILL be bugs!) critical bugs like here? Will they (read here: 'he') need a few days per bug to fix? I mean, you can see it on Nostalrius how many bugs there are, other private servers have TONS of more bugs. probably know why the past Kronos launches failed, right?
You think this one will be much better? probably did not play the beta then (look the posts in their forums, they had huge issues. It was a disconnect sim.).

Here is the Kronos 'team'...for such a huge anticipated project it is a bit small don't you agree?


But you know what?

I still wish Kronos the best of luck, honestly. Another good server would be beneficial for many more players. BUT all of those fanboys and haters on each stream and chat are doing nothing but harm to the whole private server scene(talking about every fanboy or hater for each server, not just Kronos!).

Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by Regnam1 » Sat Mar 28, 2015 12:32 pm

waffle wrote:Why is this even such a big question...I mean, did you see the Kronos 'team'?

What will happen once there are(and there WILL be bugs!) critical bugs like here? Will they (read here: 'he') need a few days per bug to fix? I mean, you can see it on Nostalrius how many bugs there are, other private servers have TONS of more bugs. probably know why the past Kronos launches failed, right?
You think this one will be much better? probably did not play the beta then (look the posts in their forums, they had huge issues. It was a disconnect sim.).

Here is the Kronos 'team'...for such a huge anticipated project it is a bit small don't you agree?


But you know what?

I still wish Kronos the best of luck, honestly. Another good server would be beneficial for many more players. BUT all of those fanboys and haters on each stream and chat are doing nothing but harm to the whole private server scene(talking about every fanboy or hater for each server, not just Kronos!).

LOL there is like 1000 bugs on this server they said .. that they had 16 devs on nostalrius yet so many exploits and shit also there isnt 6k people only like 2k .. FAKE MOAR BOTS
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Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by Skuggor » Sat Mar 28, 2015 12:39 pm

I don't see "Grizzly gonna crush you like every other server" on the Kronos' guilds section.
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Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by waffle » Sat Mar 28, 2015 12:39 pm

Regnam1 wrote:LOL there is like 1000 bugs on this server they said .. that they had 16 devs on nostalrius yet so many exploits and shit also there isnt 6k people only like 2k .. FAKE MOAR BOTS


all those kids saying there would be thousands of 'bots' are literally too stupid to fix census (just one damn line in lua to turn on the filtering), make a scan and just whisper all those players who seem to be bots. But whatever, nothing new on the internet :D

And bugs, well, we will see what Kronos has to offer.

Nostalrius has really some stupid bugs which should never pass quality tests to be honest.

Everyone who takes fanboys and haters seriously (who have absolutely no arguments other than obvious lies) should just send me money cuz I am the real nigerian prince.

Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by Regnam1 » Sat Mar 28, 2015 12:41 pm

waffle wrote:
Regnam1 wrote:LOL there is like 1000 bugs on this server they said .. that they had 16 devs on nostalrius yet so many exploits and shit also there isnt 6k people only like 2k .. FAKE MOAR BOTS


all those kids saying there would be thousands of 'bots' are literally too stupid to fix census (just one damn line in lua to turn on the filtering), make a scan and just whisper all those players who seem to be bots. But whatever, nothing new on the internet :D

And bugs, well, we will see what Kronos has to offer.

Nostalrius has really some stupid bugs which should never pass quality tests to be honest.

Everyone who takes fanboys and haters seriously (who have absolutely no arguments other than obvious lies) should just send me money cuz I am the real nigerian prince.

Where is the 16 devs then? i only seen 2 of them lol .. Nostalrius is a publicity stunt just like WoD was for WoW ....................................................................................................................... it will shut down when they have stolen enough donations
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Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by Voodoom » Sat Mar 28, 2015 12:46 pm

Skuggor wrote:I don't see "Grizzly gonna crush you like every other server" on the Kronos' guilds section.

No Grizzly ? I'm in !
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Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by waffle » Sat Mar 28, 2015 12:48 pm

Regnam1 wrote:Where is the 16 devs then? i only seen 2 of them lol .. Nostalrius is a publicity stunt just like WoD was for WoW ....................................................................................................................... it will shut down when they have stolen enough donations

2 of them would be still more than 1, don't you agree? The other 2 for Kronos are DB fixers (stated on forums).

Also: Jet fuel can not melt steel. Do I have your attention now, son?

Also: 'stolen' donations. OOOKAY. I guess Kronos (or twinstar) will probably make 100x more money than Nostalrius with the stupid character auctions but whatever, enjoy it :)

Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by Regnam1 » Sat Mar 28, 2015 12:54 pm

waffle wrote:
Regnam1 wrote:Where is the 16 devs then? i only seen 2 of them lol .. Nostalrius is a publicity stunt just like WoD was for WoW ....................................................................................................................... it will shut down when they have stolen enough donations

2 of them would be still more than 1, don't you agree? The other 2 for Kronos are DB fixers (stated on forums).

Also: Jet fuel can not melt steel. Do I have your attention now, son?

Also: 'stolen' donations. OOOKAY. I guess Kronos (or twinstar) will probably make 100x more money than Nostalrius with the stupid character auctions but whatever, enjoy it :)

Yes but kronos has more quality since their other servers do ..................................................................... so i dont trust Nostalrius crew anymore they have lied and betrayed my trust ... thats all............................................................................. cy@ in 2 weeks on kronos boi
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