by Lachis » Wed Apr 01, 2015 8:04 pm
Fundamental rule of vanilla wow. Alliance as a whole reaches their potential LESS than horde for this reason:
Lets use BG's for example. What is the ratio of healing/non-healing shamans that you see in BG's in vanilla. I'd say 50/1. The ratio for healing/non-healing paladins? 1/10, no lie. It's like these idiots decide from the jump "I'm going to be as LEAST effective as possible. I'm gonna do less damage than every class in the game, not be able to take advantage of my paladin's support prowess, and be utterly useless unless I have full consumables and I parkour like crazy."
It's not their fault though, at least shamans have a dps spec they can legit heal from; however, this doesn't excuse the ret morons from never casting freedom on anyone but themselves, never cleansing anyone but themselves, and never carrying a set of healing gear on them in case they need to toss on some int/+ healing to help in any situation.
Horde have it made in vanilla man, their classes all respect their roles. Alliance have Paladins, which in the hands of regular people become shitadins.