Plate classes who refuse to tank

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Re: Plate classes who refuse to tank

by macgarthur » Wed Apr 01, 2015 5:22 pm

People seem to forget that in the beta paladins were actually the preferred tanks over warriors. However during raid boss encounters, warrior is dominant as they were designed to be.

Just because your class isn't the #1 at one specific part of its job, doesn't mean you aren't viable. There's a reason a paladin/druid is considered a hybrid or support class, jack of all trades master of none.
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Re: Plate classes who refuse to tank

by Garfunkel » Wed Apr 01, 2015 5:24 pm

Larsen wrote:Why the fuck would anyone want to group with a tank who has to drink after every pull?

I've been the healer in handful of instance runs with a paladin tank. The AoE tanking works great, only problem is that many of them are very slow on getting mobs off me if my healing threat steals aggro - though that happened very rarely and Fade helps. They don't need to drink after every pull and in that sense it's often better than with a warrior tank, some of whom seem to be clueless and run into more mobs while I'm still drinking or low on mana.
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Re: Plate classes who refuse to tank

by Thella » Wed Apr 01, 2015 6:02 pm

Garfunkel wrote:
Larsen wrote:Why the fuck would anyone want to group with a tank who has to drink after every pull?

I've been the healer in handful of instance runs with a paladin tank. The AoE tanking works great, only problem is that many of them are very slow on getting mobs off me if my healing threat steals aggro - though that happened very rarely and Fade helps. They don't need to drink after every pull and in that sense it's often better than with a warrior tank, some of whom seem to be clueless and run into more mobs while I'm still drinking or low on mana.

Plus you get to bubble (PW:S) a paladin tank lot's more than a warrior (because warrior needs rage) giving them more time to get aggro and heals are less likely to draw aggro to a priest healer at least. I am fine with any type of tank though.

Re: Plate classes who refuse to tank

by Phaleg » Wed Apr 01, 2015 6:08 pm

Assuming they fix the threat numbers on Rockbiter and Earthshock, I'm probably going to construct a "For Fun" shaman tank set. Messing with dumb builds is one of my faviorite things. I don't expect people to accept it as a replacement for a Warrior/Bear Druid, but I feel it would be fun to mess with maybe within my guild. Just gotta wait for them to update the Bloodmail set from Scholo.
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Re: Plate classes who refuse to tank

by Lachis » Wed Apr 01, 2015 8:04 pm

Fundamental rule of vanilla wow. Alliance as a whole reaches their potential LESS than horde for this reason:


Lets use BG's for example. What is the ratio of healing/non-healing shamans that you see in BG's in vanilla. I'd say 50/1. The ratio for healing/non-healing paladins? 1/10, no lie. It's like these idiots decide from the jump "I'm going to be as LEAST effective as possible. I'm gonna do less damage than every class in the game, not be able to take advantage of my paladin's support prowess, and be utterly useless unless I have full consumables and I parkour like crazy."

It's not their fault though, at least shamans have a dps spec they can legit heal from; however, this doesn't excuse the ret morons from never casting freedom on anyone but themselves, never cleansing anyone but themselves, and never carrying a set of healing gear on them in case they need to toss on some int/+ healing to help in any situation.

Horde have it made in vanilla man, their classes all respect their roles. Alliance have Paladins, which in the hands of regular people become shitadins.
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Re: Plate classes who refuse to tank

by Armilus » Wed Apr 01, 2015 8:14 pm

azreal313 wrote:
Armilus wrote:

wow, you know nothing about vanilla.

Wow, you don't realise how much better at dungeon tanking paladins are over warriors because of their AoE threat and buffing. Raids? Sure, Warriors will always be the best.

You do realize that consecration is a talent in vanilla right? Most paladins don't have it while leveling and some holy paladins won't have it in their spec at 60.

If they aren't spec'd for tanking they have very little aoe threat.
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Re: Plate classes who refuse to tank

by holkan » Wed Apr 01, 2015 8:31 pm

Lachis wrote:Fundamental rule of vanilla wow. Alliance as a whole reaches their potential LESS than horde for this reason:


Lets use BG's for example. What is the ratio of healing/non-healing shamans that you see in BG's in vanilla. I'd say 50/1. The ratio for healing/non-healing paladins? 1/10, no lie. It's like these idiots decide from the jump "I'm going to be as LEAST effective as possible. I'm gonna do less damage than every class in the game, not be able to take advantage of my paladin's support prowess, and be utterly useless unless I have full consumables and I parkour like crazy."

It's not their fault though, at least shamans have a dps spec they can legit heal from; however, this doesn't excuse the ret morons from never casting freedom on anyone but themselves, never cleansing anyone but themselves, and never carrying a set of healing gear on them in case they need to toss on some int/+ healing to help in any situation.

Horde have it made in vanilla man, their classes all respect their roles. Alliance have Paladins, which in the hands of regular people become shitadins.

I wish people would stop saying stupid shit like this lol. It's individual people there are bad shamans and bad paladins bad horde and bad alliance. The majority you see are bad because thats just the average skill level of gamers in general in ANY game.

Re: Plate classes who refuse to tank

by Lachis » Thu Apr 02, 2015 12:42 am

Have you joined a bg at 60 yet? I have yet to see an enhance shaman, but I've managed to be in multiple warsongs with 4+ ret pallies. My insight is spot on. Yes the AVERAGE skill is low and there are OUTLIERS aka bad shamans but when speaking across the game state, especially with the gear we have now the deficiencies I have pointed out are even more prevalent.
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Re: Plate classes who refuse to tank

by FatherThrondor » Thu Apr 02, 2015 7:33 pm

Nebulus wrote:Why's it always the pally or warrior spamming "LF1M TANK FOR X" for an hour straight in chat before their group falls apart. Sack up and do it yourself or go back to live

Yeah, i usually ditch said fury warrior and do a /who (level) to ask druids/paladins/warriors "LF Tank (dungeon)" I aint got room for a shitty rogue that cant sap backstab gouge, or provide any of the aoe utility caster dps provides.

Re: Plate classes who refuse to tank

by FatherThrondor » Thu Apr 02, 2015 7:35 pm

Lachis wrote:Fundamental rule of vanilla wow. Alliance as a whole reaches their potential LESS than horde for this reason:


Lets use BG's for example. What is the ratio of healing/non-healing shamans that you see in BG's in vanilla. I'd say 50/1. The ratio for healing/non-healing paladins? 1/10, no lie. It's like these idiots decide from the jump "I'm going to be as LEAST effective as possible. I'm gonna do less damage than every class in the game, not be able to take advantage of my paladin's support prowess, and be utterly useless unless I have full consumables and I parkour like crazy."

It's not their fault though, at least shamans have a dps spec they can legit heal from; however, this doesn't excuse the ret morons from never casting freedom on anyone but themselves, never cleansing anyone but themselves, and never carrying a set of healing gear on them in case they need to toss on some int/+ healing to help in any situation.

Horde have it made in vanilla man, their classes all respect their roles. Alliance have Paladins, which in the hands of regular people become shitadins.

Quoted for truth.


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