Garfunkel wrote:Jesus fucking christ your crying is pathetic. I'm 33, have a job AND I'm working on my PhD. So my gaming time is quite limited as well AND I'm leveling as a holy/disc priest which is the second-worst leveling build after prot warrior and very weak in PvP. Plus my PvP skills are somewhere between a spastic retard and an epileptic amoeba.
Congratulations! You leveled in dungeons. What do you want? A medal? A PhD in what? Child Psychology? Please say yes, that would make my day.
Garfunkel wrote:Maybe stop hammering your head against the stone wall after the second attempt didn't break it. Insanity is repeating the same action over and over again, expecting the end result to change. Change the area of the zone you're in, go to another zone, group up with people around you, get help from your guild mates. You know you don't have to ress exactly on top of your corpse? Ress as far away as possible and immediately run away and try to hide. Ask for help in General / Local Defense / World Defense.
There is so much straw in this argument I could feed a full stable of horses for a year. You're right, it is insane trying to play a game where you're ganked/camped/GY camped again and again. This server is triple overpopulated, there is no "another zone" because of that, and grouping only goes so far, I don't care how many 35s are in your party that 60 is going to kill and camp all of you. Guild mates? Shit, I can never find someone to craft something for me while they're in the same town, guildies are fucking lazy. Ress far away? What, 40 yards? I imagine his 60% mount will still catch me, bro.
Garfunkel wrote:Your hyperbolic claims achieve nothing but giving massive boners to the griefers. Ask your wife for a blowjob or jerk off instead or go punch a pillow or something.
Judging by you "TALKING LIKE THIS!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" you seem to be the one who's mad. Calm down with the punctuation, bro. You're currently at 11, I'm gonna need you to dial it back to about a 4. Maybe your wife could give me a blowjob? Whaddaya say? I'll even pay her for it. How does 5 bucks sound?