For people angry about World PvP..

Discussion forum related to PVP Server.

Re: For people angry about World PvP..

by JimboPete » Sun Apr 05, 2015 1:30 am

Brabus wrote:it is unfortunate that someone as cancerous and immature as you decides to be an active forum user. I see you post in pretty much every thread and each post is negative and degrading towards someone or a group of people. I can tell you're bad (you've been around since launch and are still level 50) but you talk to people like you're a god at this game when clearly you're shit.

Looking at your signature I can tell you are some 14 year old wanna be MLG queer wanna-be. I wish mods would ban cancerous trash like u from the forums it would be a way better environment.

PS. This post has nothing to do with this thread it is just directed to this loser.

Can you please not use gender/sexual/racial slurs when trying to convey your messages on these forums.

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Re: For people angry about World PvP..

by Garfunkel » Sun Apr 05, 2015 8:19 am

Corazon wrote:It becomes serious to those of us who have to manage their time and can't nolife this game because we have jobs, some of us would rather not live in mommy's attic/basement.

Jesus fucking christ your crying is pathetic. I'm 33, have a job AND I'm working on my PhD. So my gaming time is quite limited as well AND I'm leveling as a holy/disc priest which is the second-worst leveling build after prot warrior and very weak in PvP. Plus my PvP skills are somewhere between a spastic retard and an epileptic amoeba.


Have I been killed? Yes. Have I been unfairly murdered while low on health and mana? Yes. Have I been killed by level ?? guys? Yes. Have I been corpse camped? Yes. Still I've managed to make it to level 56 and I even have about 130 HK's from world pvp.

Maybe stop hammering your head against the stone wall after the second attempt didn't break it. Insanity is repeating the same action over and over again, expecting the end result to change. Change the area of the zone you're in, go to another zone, group up with people around you, get help from your guild mates. You know you don't have to ress exactly on top of your corpse? Ress as far away as possible and immediately run away and try to hide. Ask for help in General / Local Defense / World Defense.

Your hyperbolic claims achieve nothing but giving massive boners to the griefers. Ask your wife for a blowjob or jerk off instead or go punch a pillow or something.
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Re: For people angry about World PvP..

by Crispin » Sun Apr 05, 2015 12:55 pm

HawkGirl wrote:
Brabus wrote:
OGTUCKER117 wrote:Its fine let the PvE shitters complain who cares there not going to change this to a PvE server for a small minority and plus it might actually kill the server if it went PvE lol.
So just add anybody that complains about PvP to a list and camp them until they log.

it is unfortunate that someone as cancerous and immature as you decides to be an active forum user. I see you post in pretty much every thread and each post is negative and degrading towards someone or a group of people. I can tell you're bad (you've been around since launch and are still level 50) but you talk to people like you're a god at this game when clearly you're shit.

Looking at your signature I can tell you are some 14 year old wanna be MLG queer wanna-be. I wish mods would ban cancerous trash like u from the forums it would be a way better environment.

PS. This post has nothing to do with this thread it is just directed to this loser.


My thoughts exactly, absolutely beautiful.

Re: For people angry about World PvP..

by Blackadder » Sun Apr 05, 2015 1:07 pm

I have always played on PVP realms , yet I dislike ganking as much as anybody who prefers PVE servers.

The solution is really really really simple.

1. Accept the fact that you will get killed sometimes.

2. Make at least 1 alt, preferably morfe than 1 and a bank alt.

3.. When that happens and it looks like you get a griever, log off and log on your alt or bank / ah guy

3a Enjoy playing your alt or use your valuable time with some auction house / mailbox / bags upkeep

3b. chuckle at the griever who is wasting his time.

4. This is a social game, so play with 1 or more buddies. This will prevent 80% of the unwanted pvp already and when it still happens...

5. have fun. If you are 2 lvl 35s and get attacked by a lvl 40+ it can be a nice challenge. It also will teach you how to work together.
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Re: For people angry about World PvP..

by popezaphod » Sun Apr 05, 2015 1:16 pm

Sing it, Blackadder! :D
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Re: For people angry about World PvP..

by Blackadder » Sun Apr 05, 2015 1:20 pm

popezaphod wrote:Sing it, Blackadder! :D

No, when I try that I get clobbered on my head by Mrs Adder
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Re: For people angry about World PvP..

by Busdriverx » Sun Apr 05, 2015 2:46 pm

the people who claim to be non-stop camped are straight up liars just exaggerating their experiences
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Re: For people angry about World PvP..

by Corazon » Sun Apr 05, 2015 4:48 pm

Garfunkel wrote:Jesus fucking christ your crying is pathetic. I'm 33, have a job AND I'm working on my PhD. So my gaming time is quite limited as well AND I'm leveling as a holy/disc priest which is the second-worst leveling build after prot warrior and very weak in PvP. Plus my PvP skills are somewhere between a spastic retard and an epileptic amoeba.


Congratulations! You leveled in dungeons. What do you want? A medal? A PhD in what? Child Psychology? Please say yes, that would make my day.

Garfunkel wrote:Maybe stop hammering your head against the stone wall after the second attempt didn't break it. Insanity is repeating the same action over and over again, expecting the end result to change. Change the area of the zone you're in, go to another zone, group up with people around you, get help from your guild mates. You know you don't have to ress exactly on top of your corpse? Ress as far away as possible and immediately run away and try to hide. Ask for help in General / Local Defense / World Defense.

There is so much straw in this argument I could feed a full stable of horses for a year. You're right, it is insane trying to play a game where you're ganked/camped/GY camped again and again. This server is triple overpopulated, there is no "another zone" because of that, and grouping only goes so far, I don't care how many 35s are in your party that 60 is going to kill and camp all of you. Guild mates? Shit, I can never find someone to craft something for me while they're in the same town, guildies are fucking lazy. Ress far away? What, 40 yards? I imagine his 60% mount will still catch me, bro.

Garfunkel wrote:Your hyperbolic claims achieve nothing but giving massive boners to the griefers. Ask your wife for a blowjob or jerk off instead or go punch a pillow or something.

Judging by you "TALKING LIKE THIS!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" you seem to be the one who's mad. Calm down with the punctuation, bro. You're currently at 11, I'm gonna need you to dial it back to about a 4. Maybe your wife could give me a blowjob? Whaddaya say? I'll even pay her for it. How does 5 bucks sound?
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Re: For people angry about World PvP..

by riq and snog » Sun Apr 05, 2015 5:32 pm

Its threads like this that make griefing worthwile.
riq and snog
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Re: For people angry about World PvP..

by Eaglesgift » Sun Apr 05, 2015 5:45 pm

People who find the inconveniences of wpvp just too much trouble for their precious time have an alternative. They can play retail - where everything is served up easy with no fuss and no muss. This server is obviously for the player who enjoys the immersion of original wow. Its the journey not the destination.


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