honuk wrote:saying you couldn't account share or "gift" on retail is a joke. for one, once battle.net became an integrated thing in wrath, you could officially merge separate battle net accounts for any reason. I played a friend's account (albeit leveling my own character), then merged it with another friend's account, no questions asked, through blizzard's website. like magic, I had a level 80 mage that I had never leveled, which I promptly spent the next four months playing. zero fucks given by anyone.
and if you ever played in a high end guild, you absolutely saw plenty of people sharing accounts. tank out of town? someone else is logging in on that account. need a crafting CD? log in to a guildie's account. characters outside the instance for buffs? you bet.
This level of casual retarded play is the reason world of warcraft died, and the very same reason we are all here.
Nearly everyone agrees that the game died after wotlk, specifically because of these bullshit features.
Stop selling accounts. Stop cheating. Stop breaking the fucking rules.