give paladins divine storm

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Re: give paladins divine storm

by Youfie » Thu Feb 05, 2015 5:09 pm

Aquane wrote:why are there 3 pages of serious replies to such an obvious troll?
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Re: give paladins divine storm

by Xadas » Thu Feb 05, 2015 5:24 pm

This is ridiculous. In Retail WoW today, they have the classes so fucked up that anyone can fill almost any role. paladins/druids/shamans can put out as much dps as rogues/mages, but if needed they can still heal as well as priests, and tank as well as warriors (not shaman of courrse)

That is exactly what the developers didnt want. In retail, the philosophy is "bring the player, not the class" while in vanilla it is the other way around. certain classes brought you bonuses and drawbacks in every situation.

Sure, paladins are on the low end of the dps spectrum, but their survivability is really high. how OP would they be if dev's upped their dmg output? high damage plus survivability? everyone would be a paladin. In classic you had different classes for a reason. Every class has 2-3 classes they absolutely (should) shut down in fights, 3-4 they go even with and 2-3 that absolutely shit on them.

it was normalized in retail because of crying bitches like the OP who made this thread.
"i can heal, stun, survive anything, buff, shield etc etc etc, but now i also want to do as much damage as a mage, be able to tank like a warrior.... i could go on, but just writing about how imbecilic this idea and the OP is for posting it, makes me want to finish rolling this blunt and take solace in the fact that dev's won't go for this.

Re: give paladins divine storm

by Healbucket » Thu Feb 05, 2015 5:52 pm

Xadas wrote:This is ridiculous. In Retail WoW today, they have the classes so fucked up that anyone can fill almost any role. paladins/druids/shamans can put out as much dps as rogues/mages, but if needed they can still heal as well as priests, and tank as well as warriors (not shaman of courrse)

That is exactly what the developers didnt want. In retail, the philosophy is "bring the player, not the class" while in vanilla it is the other way around. certain classes brought you bonuses and drawbacks in every situation.

Sure, paladins are on the low end of the dps spectrum, but their survivability is really high. how OP would they be if dev's upped their dmg output? high damage plus survivability? everyone would be a paladin. In classic you had different classes for a reason. Every class has 2-3 classes they absolutely (should) shut down in fights, 3-4 they go even with and 2-3 that absolutely shit on them.

it was normalized in retail because of crying bitches like the OP who made this thread.
"i can heal, stun, survive anything, buff, shield etc etc etc, but now i also want to do as much damage as a mage, be able to tank like a warrior.... i could go on, but just writing about how imbecilic this idea and the OP is for posting it, makes me want to finish rolling this blunt and take solace in the fact that dev's won't go for this.

think you are right in some case but in my opinion this have nothing to do with balance in pve. I also like the idea that you bring class for the uniqueness and a roll to for fill. but I always wonder why everyone hates on the idea of fix whats broken. Come on you cant claim that retri, balance, elem, ench, demo, etc works as they should. In my opinion it would be nice to see these specc being fix but that will require atone of testing and balance sense each specc suffers from it own problems same goes for once working.

like Retri got the gear that's not the problem but their damage out put is pure garbage. well boomkin damage is alright but there is no gear for a boomkin so more item needs to be added for making them viable. making bold claims like just add this spell will fix will probably just make it worse. On 1hand there gonna get to strong and every raid setup going to change to only retri paladin and holy dps or something stupid, or the change wont change anything in pve and it becomes a pvp buff which is not needed.

on a side note can someone please explain to me how having a retri dps or any other none working speccs in your raid is going to ruin the vanilla raiding experience that just bullshit. you are raiding in vanilla for the progression, boss encounters, the epic feel of 40people. that experience not going to be ruin do to someone rolling a retri dps or ench shaman in your melee dps group..

Re: give paladins divine storm

by Armilus » Thu Feb 05, 2015 6:06 pm

Youfie wrote:
Aquane wrote:why are there 3 pages of serious replies to such an obvious troll?
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Re: give paladins divine storm

by Drain » Thu Feb 05, 2015 6:19 pm

Firstly, this goes in the suggestion section.
Secondly, they're not going to give you a spell/talent/etc that didn't exist until a future expansion. This is a recreation of Classic, and that's what they want it to be. You will only have access to what was available to you pre BC in the original 1-60 spell list and talent trees. Back then, the only Paladin AoE was Consecration, which you had to spend 11 points into Holy for. But this is not difficult to do, even as Retribution.(ie 20/0/31)

If we are not on the same page, then this might not be the server for you. I should point that the Alliance OWNED this game during Classic, and Paladin being exclusive to the faction was largely to thank for this.
Last edited by Drain on Thu Feb 05, 2015 10:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: give paladins divine storm

by ThatsthePuzzle » Thu Feb 05, 2015 9:28 pm

This is a fantastic idea.

In addition, please give Warriors Corrupted Blood

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Re: give paladins divine storm

by weinercat » Thu Feb 05, 2015 9:47 pm

Don't leave mages out of this. I want deep freeze and ice lance!

Re: give paladins divine storm

by Keftenk » Thu Feb 05, 2015 9:50 pm

Hey, I want Bloodlust and Shamanistic Rage then!

Can we lock this thread now?
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Re: give paladins divine storm

by alucard001 » Thu Feb 05, 2015 9:50 pm

then give me my bladestorm and taste of blood
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Re: give paladins divine storm

by Smorgeybork » Thu Feb 05, 2015 9:51 pm

I see a potato got lose from the feenix forums.
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