World pvp is just terrible.

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Re: World pvp is just terrible.

by PanTheSatyr » Wed Apr 22, 2015 2:12 pm

WPvP can be fun and does add edge to the game. Some jerks on both sides ruin it for others. I don't plan on ganking lowbies when I hit 60, but I will go help out when lowbies are being ganked. Everyone plays differently, and that adds spice to the game.
PvP Realm
Malachic - Lv 60 Mage (Frost)
Malapriest - Lv 60 Priest (Heals)
Malahunt - Lv 60 Hunter (Bang/Twang)

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Re: World pvp is just terrible.

by Simonich » Thu Apr 23, 2015 12:38 pm

sgtnanners wrote:Wpvp wouldn't be nearly as prevalent in the 48-60 bracket if allies queued more bgs. I farm lowbies for hours cause I sit in queue for hours.

+1 The cowardness of the alliance, they pay it out there.
I like this works, and its great IMO.

Each 10 alliance sent into battlegrounds regardless of their skill means 10 less horde gankers
Was good to have you all

Hail The Red Dawn <3
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Re: World pvp is just terrible.

by lupeh » Thu Apr 23, 2015 12:44 pm

Simonich wrote:
sgtnanners wrote:Wpvp wouldn't be nearly as prevalent in the 48-60 bracket if allies queued more bgs. I farm lowbies for hours cause I sit in queue for hours.

+1 The cowardness of the alliance, they pay it out there.
I like this works, and its great IMO.

Each 10 alliance sent into battlegrounds regardless of their skill means 10 less horde gankers

Hmm. Today as a lvl 52 in un guro theres a mage and 2 other 60's killing lowbirds over and over for honor.

They could easy go and pvp against level 60's in higher level zones, but then they might be dead.
So who is the coward now.
I think it is really odd to say that everyone from "x" faction are cowards.
But then again most pvpers pick hordes because of racials, they are the ones that want ez mode or op racials
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Re: World pvp is just terrible.

by PanTheSatyr » Thu Apr 23, 2015 2:46 pm

Any system that's put in place will have people who try to take advantage. You get honor for killing 52's at 60 then some griefers will do this. Both sides do it, but PvP-minded people do seem to play Horde.
PvP Realm
Malachic - Lv 60 Mage (Frost)
Malapriest - Lv 60 Priest (Heals)
Malahunt - Lv 60 Hunter (Bang/Twang)

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Re: World pvp is just terrible.

by sgtnanners » Sat Apr 25, 2015 12:15 am

lupeh wrote:
Simonich wrote:
sgtnanners wrote:Wpvp wouldn't be nearly as prevalent in the 48-60 bracket if allies queued more bgs. I farm lowbies for hours cause I sit in queue for hours.

+1 The cowardness of the alliance, they pay it out there.
I like this works, and its great IMO.

Each 10 alliance sent into battlegrounds regardless of their skill means 10 less horde gankers

Hmm. Today as a lvl 52 in un guro theres a mage and 2 other 60's killing lowbirds over and over for honor.

They could easy go and pvp against level 60's in higher level zones, but then they might be dead.
So who is the coward now.
I think it is really odd to say that everyone from "x" faction are cowards.
But then again most pvpers pick hordes because of racials, they are the ones that want ez mode or op racials

We dont target lowbies, we camp un'guro because the pure amount and the fact thatt there's only one flight path for zone. If you go to steppes you can see us camping level 60s that get off that flight path for hours on end too.
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Re: World pvp is just terrible.

by JackBoosh » Sat Apr 25, 2015 1:50 am

DrKvothe wrote:Since hitting 30 this game has become virtually unplayable.


Every Alliance questing zone from 30+ is swarming with horde. I'm all for PvP but being shit on by 3 hordes Every couple of minutes is not fun. Im level 34 and currently spend more time walking to my corpse than actually playing.

Re: World pvp is just terrible.

by Fogcityroller » Sat Apr 25, 2015 3:03 am

Wanna change it? Cap the number of Horde that can be logged in so that factions have no greater disparity than 48/52. The number of whiney teenagers sitting in the login queue for hours on end will make them roll Alliance alts and then the quality of the server will improve a little.


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