nujabes wrote:
The problem is and this was mentioned before, if people manage to hack or abuse bugs in order to get gold, which is likely given we're on a private server, then when people pay to get boosted with hacked gold it not only starts to rapidly break the game economy down, it has the added side effect of artificially accelerating gear progression and ties that into the economy.
And the reason it's bad to tie the economy into gear progression is that the way the game economy was designed to begin with is not at all made to deal with that. You'll see all sorts of side effects, including a snowballing effect where gold drops way faster in value than it is supposed to while more and more gold is pumped into the economy. It creates insane inflation, items that would normally be worth a handful of gold would have to sell for thousands and thousands of gold.
I hope you see the issue here, because it is inevitably a disaster for the game economy and it'll be like playing on Warsong or Quality Gaming post-inflation.
You're assuming that guilds will want to sell gear when progression is as fast as nostalrius's schedule is to be. Team Plague had been farming MC for over a year and a half and only was selling less than half of their items from Molten Core (with there being far more clears than usual due to a certain onyxia bug resetting raid IDs). With BWL being released 2 months post MC, guilds will still be gearing up their members, and I'd think they'd prefer their people get gear instead of some rando getting an onslaught girdle for 900g.
That being said, Emerald Dream's economy is far more "fucked" than any economy I've seen in a long time with the amount of exploited gold in circulation (I sold an alcor's sunrazor for 5000g for instance), and prices remain fairly reasonable for the "have-nots". I've never once seen insane inflation on a "blizzlike" server, as that would require
everyone to exploit the gold loopholes-unlikely- or to buy gold--more unlikely.
The thing that causes warsong's inflation is that
everyone has access to tons of gold without effort (one wsg win is 10g or something). Qgamings was caused by weedgamergirl/RG spamming "OPEN TRADE" in the middle of ironforge and giving everyone flasks of supreme power.
If there is gold artificially injected into the economy, whether it be through one of zzuks programs, or something as stupid as "we forgot to fix the environmental trigger on cuergos gold
", very few people will benefit from it, and the economy will be more or less, stable like EDs, with a small group of ultra rich players.