Arise wrote:Joydivision wrote:Busdriverx wrote:
Yeah this is no surprise, Joydivision is a psychopath and has a few... issues, let's say. Best to avoid interacting with him since he's quite unstable
Oh i'm very sorry that i need rolled on Obsidian Greaves, a pair of boe plate boots that are on the ah for under 5g. Perhaps others' have frameworks for decision making which are more ethical from their perspective; which involves clicking greed - Pfft plz - retailer noobs. And, I didn't win the roll aswell.
I'm clearly stable, and have reached the stage or close to self-actualization in line with Maslows hierarchy of needs. Most people who have a gripe with me tend to argue a little, but i type too fast and too fucking smart. Thenceforward they resort to using the generics such as "kid, fat, mum, noob" or public defamation-like behaviour in /4 /2. Busdriverx - Horde is one such user of this toxic approach. And I would suggest to all of you to not dungeon with this person, unless you're into "KAPPA, PLEB, WREKT" ideology.
I had my very own interesting encounter with this person that clearly escaped from a mental health institution.
Mister Joydivision played terrible in wsg, and as soon as I called him out on that he started spamming the chat with all kinds of ugly things about me. After the game he continued this in pm.
But then I remembered something and as soon as I mentioned that I got him to ignore me! Mission completed.
(He kept spamming bg chat with insults to me in the games after. But luckily anyone can see he is an idiot. And to be honest, I actually thought it was so sad it became funny.)
Needless to say: avoid Joydivision in any area of the game.
And it went on today. Last post on this matter as I finally couldn't do otherwise but put him on ignore.
I just asked him to stop all the swearing in bg-chat. Turned out he had taken me off ignore and then he went full retard.
I don't even...
This guy really needs professional help. Seriously, he seems to be so unstable and have so many issues (which, seeing how often he brings up that subject, I think could come forth from latent homosexuality) I actually think he could be dangerous in rl.