Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screenshots!

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Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by Talzia » Tue Jun 09, 2015 6:38 pm

Coding3347 wrote:
Lukerative wrote:My name shouldn't even be on here. It was guild politics

Me, another officer and about 15 members wanted to split off of Axiom. I didn't understand the logic behind clearing MC up to domo, and then coming back 6 days later to clear the rest. The raids consisted of unnecessary wipes, struggles on easy bosses, and many slurping sound effects and shitty singing (members left the guild over how immature Team Speak was). Racist comments that got members kicked early on in the guild were just tossed around on Team Speak, I'm definitely not cool with that. There were rules written in stone that were not going to change ever so we decided it was time to split off. The other officer ran MC trash runs and was responsible for 80%+ of the guild bank's net worth; I was in charge of the guild bank so I decided to take it with us. The new guild we formed fell apart so I gave the entire guild bank back. Just guild politics.

If you were going to leave the guild, then why didn't you give the guild bank's contents back to Axiom's GM?

You didn't have to run off with other players' contributions.... it seems you intended to steal them to use for your new guild.

It's interesting how you and other ninjas try to rationalize themselves by blaming others, and never themselves.

Guildbanks don't belong to 1 or 2 people.

You state that one other person was responsible for 80% of the revenue solely because he led trash raids for a few weeks, but even he didn't condone your actions and asked you to give it back because he knew that wasn't true and felt what you did was not right.

I'm not going to split hairs about the rest of your complaints, because ultimately you never stated any of them while you were here, and you're not in Axiom anymore now, so you are no longer my responsibility as a guild leader.

I posted several pages back that the guild bank had been recovered. I'll say exactly what I said, word for word when you tried to talk to me during that process - I have nothing to say to you on a personal basis at all.
Guildleader of Axiom
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by Kelissandra » Wed Jun 10, 2015 2:00 pm

I would like to notify fellow players of the player Hulkinjo of guild <INSOMNIA>, alliance side.

I formed a group earlier today to clear both the purple and orange sides of maraudon to do quests and get the sceptre. This warrior opted to join as a tank, usually I tank myself but I went catform instead. I later invited a priest healer who said "sorry I cannot group with this warrior, he's on my ignore list, gl" and left. I messaged this priest asking what had happened and he told me the warrior is impatient and doesn't wait for mana users to drink up inbetween pulls, and wiped them in ST on trash a couple of times because the group was oom and then he left. Despite this warning, I figured it wasn't that big of a deal and I'd give him a chance, everyone has off days etc. I was completely wrong.

We went on to this run and began clearing orange side first, we got about a 1/3 way through, not even to the first boss yet and we kill one of the Kahns, which he then decides we just need to do his quest to kill the Kahns and go out to start clearing purple side instead. I told him no, I advertised a full clear of both sides so we'd get to purple side when we'd cleared orange. The group agreed with me and we went on to clear orange side. The run was mostly pleasant aside from this warrior being passive aggressive, constantly saying things like "still think your way is faster than mine?" and "this would go a lot more faster if we just listened to me". The group didn't really respond to him, other than myself where I just told him that no one really cared and we wanted to do a full clear for quests. but he still went on and acted like a massive bellend. fast forward to Celebras and the leather caster helm dropped and I rolled need as no one else could use it so I figured I'd take it for my future resto spec at 60. he saw this and then said "need for vendor spec" and rolled need and won it.
I then kicked him and 5 mins later he whispered me "2g for the head nicee"

I got a couple of ss's of the ninja looting incident, but not him being a cunt unfortunately.

Overall, he just seemed like an unpleasant, childish asshole.

Kelissandra - 60 Night Elf Druid
Mourna - 60 Human Rogue
Shaedya - 60 Night Elf Warrior
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Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by Znrai » Sat Jun 13, 2015 4:05 am

A human warrior named Ermin decided to roll need on Electrocutioner Leg in Gnomeregan a little while ago even though i'm a rogue. I see no reason at all why he would have a need for this item and need it above a Rogue.

I wouldn't group with him again or recommend anyone to group with him who needs a drop with a ninja waiting to need at any time.


Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by Vimes » Sat Jun 13, 2015 9:06 am

Confirmed switch to masterloot without group consent at BRD emp:

Players: Kptamerikka (warrior) and Cykel (rogue) of guild Theorycraft

Video proof here:
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Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by Aunstic » Sat Jun 13, 2015 5:32 pm

Znrai wrote:A human warrior named Ermin decided to roll need on Electrocutioner Leg in Gnomeregan a little while ago even though i'm a rogue. I see no reason at all why he would have a need for this item and need it above a Rogue.

I wouldn't group with him again or recommend anyone to group with him who needs a drop with a ninja waiting to need at any time.


You're kidding me, right? Tanks want fast MH to produce more rage and quicker damage is necessary to pick up aggro. I tanked with that sword for a good 4-5 levels because of the speed.

Dylacris wrote:Its your pal Angrytowely .

What I can tell you is that do NOT worry about defense rating really until you are 60, or well near it. For higher end raids like BWL that will be out soon defense rating DOES matter. 440 Defense is the cap, so just think about that. I wouldn't worry about it tho until you are ready to raid. Don't focus on damage either, a fast wep for tanking is always good because it allows you to get more swings in / generate more rage. Also certain +resistance gear is always good to have as a Prot War, it varies on what dungeon or raid you're doing obviously lol.

Hope this helped ya understand things a little more
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Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by Redeyejedi818 » Sun Jun 14, 2015 4:27 pm

Horde side

Blackcattle <Blood and Honor>

Kicked me out of party when Hand of Justice dropped off emperor in BRD.
Have screenshots - including a /w from him saying 'Im sorry'.... Watch out for this guy.

Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by Robotron » Sun Jun 14, 2015 5:38 pm

Never trust a cow.
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Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by hroar » Mon Jun 15, 2015 12:33 am


Bigdickbobby <Brick Squad>

My group killed Antusul and then wiped from all the adds and he vanished to save himself. Before we got back to the area he looted the corpse and told us what dropped. Our tanking warrior really wanted Sang'thraze, but the rogue instead of waiting for us just ninjaed it.

Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by whitestarrising » Mon Jun 15, 2015 2:47 am

Arise wrote:
Äpollo - Human Paladin - switched to master loot at Maraudon Princess fight then ninja'd Blackstone Ring. ... 140#p60051

Can confirm he's still doing this shit, just switched to ML on emp in BRD just before he died. Didn't get any good loot so it was a non-issue but be weary of grouping with him.


Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by drogenhund11 » Mon Jun 15, 2015 10:09 pm

Last edited by drogenhund11 on Wed Jun 17, 2015 3:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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