Upcoming r14 gear like fast offhands etc

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Re: Upcoming r14 gear like fast offhands etc

by ajooba » Tue May 05, 2015 4:05 pm

good choice. i am having a good laugh @ all the no lifer premaders probably having their chins dropping right now. must make them feel like their time is even more wasted and their life even more useless right now. really nice turn of events.

Re: Upcoming r14 gear like fast offhands etc

by SanderP » Tue May 05, 2015 9:21 pm

Mega stupid. Tho Maitoz deserves it. 8-)
Flavie, 60 Hunter
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Re: Upcoming r14 gear like fast offhands etc

by Phigure » Tue May 05, 2015 11:18 pm

Let the R11 dream begin
Poke <Exiled> - 60 Human Rogue

Re: Upcoming r14 gear like fast offhands etc

by Vekisha » Wed May 06, 2015 12:01 am

Harm wrote:
nervous wrote:
But who will defend stables against me?

Im sure someone more qualified than me will take over.

he got bored of premading :P
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Re: Upcoming r14 gear like fast offhands etc

by Osirus » Wed May 13, 2015 3:33 am

So i still don't know, do we just stop now and get 14 when zg comes out so we can buy the weaps or we can get 14 and buy later if they are not added yet?
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Re: Upcoming r14 gear like fast offhands etc

by Faleene » Wed May 13, 2015 6:06 am

Osirus wrote:So i still don't know, do we just stop now and get 14 when zg comes out so we can buy the weaps or we can get 14 and buy later if they are not added yet?

If the weapons are currently not in the game, then you will have to maintain r14 or grind it again when the new weapons are released. You need to be r14 currently in order to buy gear/weapons. You only need the highest rank to be able to equip them

Re: Upcoming r14 gear like fast offhands etc

by Zawa » Wed May 13, 2015 12:58 pm

Osirus wrote:So i still don't know, do we just stop now and get 14 when zg comes out so we can buy the weaps or we can get 14 and buy later if they are not added yet?

this guy
In an effort to keep their armies better outfitted the Horde and Alliance have both taken it upon themselves to update their available rewards.
  • An updated set of armor rewards have been added to vendors for Honor ranks 7, 8, and 10.
  • The armor rewards for Honor ranks 12 and 13 have been increased in level and stat point allocation.
  • New rank 14 weapons have been added! In order to give casters the same diversity of selection that melee currently enjoy we have added new caster items that are available to be purchased by Grand Marshals and High Warlords.

Re: Upcoming r14 gear like fast offhands etc

by SanderP » Wed May 13, 2015 1:15 pm

Zawa wrote:
Osirus wrote:So i still don't know, do we just stop now and get 14 when zg comes out so we can buy the weaps or we can get 14 and buy later if they are not added yet?

this guy
In an effort to keep their armies better outfitted the Horde and Alliance have both taken it upon themselves to update their available rewards.
  • An updated set of armor rewards have been added to vendors for Honor ranks 7, 8, and 10.
  • The armor rewards for Honor ranks 12 and 13 have been increased in level and stat point allocation.
  • New rank 14 weapons have been added! In order to give casters the same diversity of selection that melee currently enjoy we have added new caster items that are available to be purchased by Grand Marshals and High Warlords.

That's about "new r14 weapons", not r14 weapons in general.
Flavie, 60 Hunter
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Re: Upcoming r14 gear like fast offhands etc

by Osirus » Wed May 13, 2015 1:33 pm

Well a GM told me tru ticket there wouldn't be a need to regrind before, that's why i am confused. And the only awnser so far was from a single private message on the forums.
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Re: Upcoming r14 gear like fast offhands etc

by SanderP » Wed May 13, 2015 2:50 pm

Osirus wrote:Well a GM told me tru ticket there wouldn't be a need to regrind before, that's why i am confused. And the only awnser so far was from a single private message on the forums.

Maybe gank some low level on Tanaris rooftop until wisdom enlightens you. :idea:
Flavie, 60 Hunter
Illusion, 60 Rogue
Star, 43 Paladin
<The Council>
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