Such a Shame

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Re: Such a Shame

by PanTheSatyr » Wed Apr 29, 2015 3:50 pm

Thank you for being part of the problem, Pakao. Have fun when the wPvP dies because of jerks like you.
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Re: Such a Shame

by macgarthur » Wed Apr 29, 2015 3:58 pm

Shirley wrote:
vanilla retail and griefing/corpse camping for longer time was punishable

Thats bullshit, Blizzard considers most conduct to be part of the Game, and not harassment, so player-killing the enemies of your race and/or alliance, including gravestone and/or corpse camping, is considered a part of the Game. Also ToS states that corpse camping is part of the game, therefore not a reportable offense.

Actually the ToS says when it becomes harassment and interferes with your ability to play the game it is punishable. This isn't world PvP, this isn't banking, this isn't corpse camping, this is harassment and the people doing are only doing so to harass other players into quitting the game.

Flame me all you want it's true. Funny thing is while everyone is protecting these people and telling everyone else to "stop crying" in a few more weeks when this server is dead you'll be kicking yourselves.
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Re: Such a Shame

by Raahl » Wed Apr 29, 2015 4:41 pm

pakao wrote:I avoided ganking lowbies, but your crying so much that im sick of it, and all im gonna do tonight is to camp lowbies as much i can. Not even kidding

You sir are an idiot.
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Re: Such a Shame

by tyrisflare » Wed Apr 29, 2015 5:40 pm

Fulltank wrote:Today im gonna go ahead and call it quits, the server had a good run but when i hit 51 it just got ridiculous i cant go to any zone Blasted lands, Burning steps, Ungoro ( OMG ungoro...) or felwood without encountering lvl 60 horde just running up down and sideways looking for questers to gank. im all for PVP servers hell i wasnt complaining at lvl 30 or 40 when i got ganked cause i could still level. but for the past 2 days now im 51 my progression has halted and i refuse to play at 1 AM or something ridiculous and wait for people to log off. that's not fun, and its a damn shame i liked this server. ill see you guys on retail

You should be ashamed to call yourself part of the Master Race.

Dodgykebaab disapproves.
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Re: Such a Shame

by varth » Wed Apr 29, 2015 6:23 pm

You guys are just beyond stupid, you are trying to tell me you can't find ANYWHERE to grind without being ganked? 100% bullshit, ill bet you 10g that you could grind the bug tunnels in ungoro, the ogre cave in searing, ect ect. I got killed well over 15x in Blasted Lands by the same lvl 60 paladin doing reckoning bombs, did I make a crybaby post about it? No I found a corner and grinded.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Such a Shame

by Royko » Wed Apr 29, 2015 6:31 pm

pakao wrote:you dont feel stupid to whine about beeing ganked on a pvp server?

i swear, id be ashamed

go play wod, vanilla is not for you

and btw, there are MILIONS of safe grinding spots to level, not to mention that in some zones there are actually more alliance then horde

You are painfully stupid.

Re: Such a Shame

by Royko » Wed Apr 29, 2015 6:33 pm

varth wrote:You guys are just beyond stupid, you are trying to tell me you can't find ANYWHERE to grind without being ganked? 100% bullshit, ill bet you 10g that you could grind the bug tunnels in ungoro, the ogre cave in searing, ect ect. I got killed well over 15x in Blasted Lands by the same lvl 60 paladin doing reckoning bombs, did I make a crybaby post about it? No I found a corner and grinded.

The fact that someone has to find a remote spot to grind really sucks the fun out of playing. Original vanilla wasn't like that. Sure, there were ganks, but nothing like here. I'm glad I got 60 before it got really bad. I wanted to level an alt, but now there's no way I will.

Re: Such a Shame

by spicynugz » Wed Apr 29, 2015 6:36 pm

badtank raises a valid point. horde spend a lot of time getting crushed in bgs by premades, which is pretty bad honour. the ganking can be borne of frustration, but it's also a practical way to get a bump in your honour, since a world pvp kill is worth around 200 honour.

i'm not gonna lie, since i've been getting rolled in max level bgs i've taken to killing level 50-odd players i come across when i'm farming, but i never camp, and i don't always bother with attacking in the first place. solo queuing as horde i frequently wait 30 min to an hour to get a single mark. for whatever reason, horde hasn't had much luck forming a consistent premade, and the alliance premades have had quite the head start from wrecking pugs.

so, in short, level 50+ ally, you can thank your 60 premades for being partially responsible for your misery. it's not like they're coming to your rescue between queues either. they're selfish and in it totally for themselves, regardless of how detrimental an experience it creates for victims on either faction.

Re: Such a Shame

by Royko » Wed Apr 29, 2015 6:48 pm

spicynugz wrote:badtank raises a valid point. horde spend a lot of time getting crushed in bgs by premades, which is pretty bad honour. the ganking can be borne of frustration, but it's also a practical way to get a bump in your honour, since a world pvp kill is worth around 200 honour.

i'm not gonna lie, since i've been getting rolled in max level bgs i've taken to killing level 50-odd players i come across when i'm farming, but i never camp, and i don't always bother with attacking in the first place. solo queuing as horde i frequently wait 30 min to an hour to get a single mark. for whatever reason, horde hasn't had much luck forming a consistent premade, and the alliance premades have had quite the head start from wrecking pugs.

so, in short, level 50+ ally, you can thank your 60 premades for being partially responsible for your misery. it's not like they're coming to your rescue between queues either. they're selfish and in it totally for themselves, regardless of how detrimental an experience it creates for victims on either faction.

It's a fault of the system and vanilla's design. The PvPers went horde for the racials. That side became dominant in population and started frustrating alliance levelers. Then some alliance rerolled horde to make the imbalance worse (also, if you want to claim 1:1 or anything close, you're full of shit and so is whatever you're taking data from). And then those horde on the overpopulated side wait forever for queues and have no other way to get honor. There's no easy fix. If faction transfers to Alliance were a thing, that'd solve a lot, but it's not.

Re: Such a Shame

by spicynugz » Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:00 pm

faction transfers on the surface appear to be an easy fix, but i'm not sure how it would affect the economy/faction balance if entire guilds were artificially transplanted to another faction, taking with them a significant amount of money and competent players. it's possible there might be a gutting of horde side if enough prominent guilds decide to mass re-roll. whatever problems we're experiencing currently, they happened somewhat naturally. i'm uncertain what level of meddling would be acceptable.

i am in the process of leveling an alliance alt, but i know that if i start getting camped left and right by horde, i'm likely to return to my horde main and just play there. for me, and many others, my wow experience is focused on getting the most value out of my time played. spending hours half afk to enter a bg and lose quickly on horde side isn't fun. getting corpse camped into quitting the game alliance side isn't fun. having no recourse* for either of these negative experiences isn't fun. but you have the internet badasses on both sides deriding and mocking those who, in my mind, are making legitimate complaints about the state of the game. frequent rebuttals include the standard l2p, 10 y/o game, gtfo arguments.

instead of hiding behind vitriol and anonymity, it would be nice to see some community-minded individuals interested in creating a positive environment for us all to enjoy this experience together, rather than the hateful and disgusting behaviour which runs rampant here, and essentially everywhere else online. we should dare to be different. just because you can be a piece of shit, doesn't mean that you should be, even if it isn't breaking any rules. it would be nice if people behaved with a modicum of respect.

* edit: upon reading my post, i realize that the possible recourse for horde pugs getting crushed is to form premades, and that the answer to camping is banding together. to paraphrase lazermon in another thread, working together is really the only way to defeat the aggressors we face in our respective scenarios. however, the negativity and divisiveness within factions serves as a barrier to affecting change in this regard. so, at this point, barring the handful of times people actually work together, there is precious little one can do to improve their situation. those sitting at the top rarely see the issues of those struggling below them as relevant.
Last edited by spicynugz on Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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