by spicynugz » Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:00 pm
faction transfers on the surface appear to be an easy fix, but i'm not sure how it would affect the economy/faction balance if entire guilds were artificially transplanted to another faction, taking with them a significant amount of money and competent players. it's possible there might be a gutting of horde side if enough prominent guilds decide to mass re-roll. whatever problems we're experiencing currently, they happened somewhat naturally. i'm uncertain what level of meddling would be acceptable.
i am in the process of leveling an alliance alt, but i know that if i start getting camped left and right by horde, i'm likely to return to my horde main and just play there. for me, and many others, my wow experience is focused on getting the most value out of my time played. spending hours half afk to enter a bg and lose quickly on horde side isn't fun. getting corpse camped into quitting the game alliance side isn't fun. having no recourse* for either of these negative experiences isn't fun. but you have the internet badasses on both sides deriding and mocking those who, in my mind, are making legitimate complaints about the state of the game. frequent rebuttals include the standard l2p, 10 y/o game, gtfo arguments.
instead of hiding behind vitriol and anonymity, it would be nice to see some community-minded individuals interested in creating a positive environment for us all to enjoy this experience together, rather than the hateful and disgusting behaviour which runs rampant here, and essentially everywhere else online. we should dare to be different. just because you can be a piece of shit, doesn't mean that you should be, even if it isn't breaking any rules. it would be nice if people behaved with a modicum of respect.
* edit: upon reading my post, i realize that the possible recourse for horde pugs getting crushed is to form premades, and that the answer to camping is banding together. to paraphrase lazermon in another thread, working together is really the only way to defeat the aggressors we face in our respective scenarios. however, the negativity and divisiveness within factions serves as a barrier to affecting change in this regard. so, at this point, barring the handful of times people actually work together, there is precious little one can do to improve their situation. those sitting at the top rarely see the issues of those struggling below them as relevant.
Last edited by
spicynugz on Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.