PanTheSatyr wrote:Horde can't make premades because...
(EDIT: Also, being sore losers by killing people who have no interest in PvP nor can retaliate is childish. "Why did you join a PvP server of you don't want to PvP?" - Because all the decent private realms are PvP and normally we suck it up and deal with it - but things have gotten ridiculous on Nost.)
na we just figure the only way to take it back out on the alliance is to kill butthurt little kids like you, and when you come on here posting this shit, it literally says job well done to us. thanks for feeding us we were hungry

You act like alliance don't do the same thing anyways, which they do, but we arent on here crying a river now are we? It's a pvp server if you don't like it take your carebear ass outta here.