why are full premades allowed to que into random groups?

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Re: why are full premades allowed to que into random groups?

by g0dl1k3 » Tue May 05, 2015 1:14 pm

WSG was a 1-10minute que time yesterday and only about half the games were premades.
its getting better as more people hit 60
undead lock- lvl 60
human mage- currently leveling
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Re: why are full premades allowed to que into random groups?

by Krom » Tue May 05, 2015 1:37 pm

Seen that. Forgot how bg's could be so cool when you actually can stay alive more than 3 minuts, not stuck again in #skilledpremades Slaughter 2015 PC-DVD Simulation :)

Keep levelling and hitting 60, my fellow Alliances ! ;)
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Re: why are full premades allowed to que into random groups?

by Xylon666Darkstar » Tue May 05, 2015 1:48 pm

Make friends and premade yourself. Doesn't help that the only alliance that are qing is premades.
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Re: why are full premades allowed to que into random groups?

by BK2710 » Tue May 05, 2015 2:37 pm

Disabling the ability to que in parties would improve bgs immensely imo.

Re: why are full premades allowed to que into random groups?

by pakao » Tue May 05, 2015 3:00 pm

People like op and everybody who agree with him are exactly the ones who turned this beautifull game into farmville that it is now

Luckily devs here knows that

pvp on nost right now is *exactly* how it was in vanilla.
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Re: why are full premades allowed to que into random groups?

by Iosephus » Tue May 05, 2015 7:31 pm

pakao wrote:People like op and everybody who agree with him are exactly the ones who turned this beautifull game into farmville that it is now

Luckily devs here knows that

pvp on nost right now is *exactly* how it was in vanilla.

Not at all. Its more like other private servers like ED (lol) than retail ever was. I hit ~r7 before they even released wsg, and r12 before ab. When bgs came out you'd hardly dodge unless really needed. If you did pug you'd hit a premade a fifth of the time. This server is different from retail in many ways and they need to adapt to that.

Re: why are full premades allowed to que into random groups?

by Fester » Tue May 05, 2015 8:06 pm

Horde should just learn how to make friends and BG as a group. That's the advice they give the 48-59 Alliance getting camped by 60 Horde.

Re: why are full premades allowed to que into random groups?

by pakao » Tue May 05, 2015 8:21 pm

I played on retail with warrior to r 11, up to rank 9-10 in a pug, destroyed by alliance premades

after that i played with rogue to r 13 with premade from a start and we farmed pugs 90% of the time. Ally premades we fought few times each before they also started afking

All before xrealm bgs

Its exacly the same how it was in vanilla (played on eu haomarush and boulderfist)

btw i play horde here, but i dont complain. No time-no premade- no rank
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Re: why are full premades allowed to que into random groups?

by Robotron » Tue May 05, 2015 8:59 pm

I wish this would be implemented, but it won't, since it is Blizzlike that a premade can queue into a pug. I am so fucking tired of losing every single WSG 0-3, but that's going to continue for the foreseeable future, it seems.
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Re: why are full premades allowed to que into random groups?

by Xylon666Darkstar » Tue May 05, 2015 9:25 pm

It'll continue until you make friends and not treat an MMO like a single player game.
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