Clarification On Non-Blizzlike Policy Of Nostalrius

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Re: Clarification On Non-Blizzlike Policy Of Nostalrius

by Antipatra » Fri May 29, 2015 4:31 pm

Hansger wrote: - There's proof they will ban you albeit for a minimal amount of time, I don't think you would get a permanent ban on an actual Blizz server, but an hour/day ban is probably enough to get the point across, or I'm sure they would get harsher the more you do it.

Tucker won't accept this because it's from 2013.

Blizzard purges their forum posts, too, so the only reliable source of information on this issue cannot be used.

Re: Clarification On Non-Blizzlike Policy Of Nostalrius

by Jalepenos » Fri May 29, 2015 4:32 pm

Created a character on server not managed by blizz
doesn't pay any money
does things to rage others constantly
rages them
they complain
gets banned after being warned
posts thread complaining about it's not like blizzards in game rules..
refer to the first part.

Re: Clarification On Non-Blizzlike Policy Of Nostalrius

by Hansger » Fri May 29, 2015 4:35 pm

Antipatra wrote:
Hansger wrote: - There's proof they will ban you albeit for a minimal amount of time, I don't think you would get a permanent ban on an actual Blizz server, but an hour/day ban is probably enough to get the point across, or I'm sure they would get harsher the more you do it.

Tucker won't accept this because it's from 2013.

Blizzard purges their forum posts, too, so the only reliable source of information on this issue cannot be used.

True, best I could do, nothing really concrete prior to 2012, due to purging forums and whatnot. Oh well, I don't remember it happening a lot in Vanilla, but we never camped quest npc's, definitely ganked many many Alliance though, part of playing on a pvp server. Sucks, but you know it's going to happen. Flight Masters are fair game as well, but don't quite understand camping a lowbie town (like Sentinel Hill), where the other players wouldn't even be flagged, so you are literally just killing quest givers wasting everyone's time.

Re: Clarification On Non-Blizzlike Policy Of Nostalrius

by Throe » Fri May 29, 2015 4:40 pm

There is way too many PVE carebabbies here. This is supposed to be a PVP Server.
-Someone killing your quest giver? Go quest elsewhere.
-Getting camped? Log off or go to another zone.

Is one big bad 60 hunter really too much for the ENTIRE ALLIANCE to deal with? People who do shit like this are supposed to be dealt with by the opposing faction members, not GMs. How hard is it to kill ONE LEVEL 60?

Alliance regularly kill the Grom'Gol flight master which impedes my game experience. I think they should be banned for griefing me and making me late to my MC Raids, UBRS and BRD runs.
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Re: Clarification On Non-Blizzlike Policy Of Nostalrius

by Lakweeta » Fri May 29, 2015 4:42 pm

Throe wrote:There is way too many PVE carebabbies here. This is supposed to be a PVP Server.
-Someone killing your quest giver? Go quest elsewhere.
-Getting camped? Log off or go to another zone.

Is one big bad 60 hunter really too much for the ENTIRE ALLIANCE to deal with? People who do shit like this are supposed to be dealt with by the opposing faction members, not GMs. How hard is it to kill ONE LEVEL 60?

Alliance regularly kill the Grom'Gol flight master which impedes my game experience. I think they should be banned for griefing me and making me late to my MC Raids, UBRS and BRD runs.

But what they're doing hun.

If someone kills a flight master, big whoop.

It's when they sit there for hours upon hours upon hours doing it continually that it becomes a problem

Re: Clarification On Non-Blizzlike Policy Of Nostalrius

by DEDRICK » Fri May 29, 2015 4:43 pm

GL find forum posts for a message board that was almost entirely wiped off the internet

But you a free to try ... 1112&sid=1

Nothing is truly gone from the internet
Last edited by DEDRICK on Fri May 29, 2015 4:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Clarification On Non-Blizzlike Policy Of Nostalrius

by mandingo » Fri May 29, 2015 4:46 pm

hahaha my post got removed nice admins
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Re: Clarification On Non-Blizzlike Policy Of Nostalrius

by Pottu » Fri May 29, 2015 4:46 pm

SnowFlakes wrote:So if horde decides to try and raid Ironforge and they fight there for an extended amount of period that's bannable? Incredibly short sighted and dumb decison by the management if that's the case.

That's not the case. You can raid Ironforge as much as you want.
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Re: Clarification On Non-Blizzlike Policy Of Nostalrius

by varth » Fri May 29, 2015 4:48 pm

They didn't ban for that stuff in vanilla retail, and it's pretty dumb that they are enacting this rule due to all the cry baby care bears who want a pve server. Is killing quest npcs super inconvenient? Of course it is, just like alliance killing the gromgol flightmaster makes it super inconvenient to get to kargath, but you don't see us making a billion cry threads about it.

This kind of thing was common in retail vanilla, and it was accepted. It's not a good thing to pander to the care bears who want to just quest and not deal with world pvp. How hard is it to just go to another area or zone? It's not hard at all, and you guys come off as pathetic.

Nost staff you should really reconsider this stance
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Re: Clarification On Non-Blizzlike Policy Of Nostalrius

by Jalepenos » Fri May 29, 2015 4:51 pm

Pottu wrote:
SnowFlakes wrote:So if horde decides to try and raid Ironforge and they fight there for an extended amount of period that's bannable? Incredibly short sighted and dumb decison by the management if that's the case.

That's not the case. You can raid Ironforge as much as you want.

They know that's not the case, this entire thing is a troll - from how quest providers are being killed over and over - to this and the other threads about this. Boring, lonely, worthless individuals crying about not being able to troll. So stop feeding the trolls and ban them. :lol:


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