Antipatra wrote:Hansger wrote: - There's proof they will ban you albeit for a minimal amount of time, I don't think you would get a permanent ban on an actual Blizz server, but an hour/day ban is probably enough to get the point across, or I'm sure they would get harsher the more you do it.
Tucker won't accept this because it's from 2013.
Blizzard purges their forum posts, too, so the only reliable source of information on this issue cannot be used.
True, best I could do, nothing really concrete prior to 2012, due to purging forums and whatnot. Oh well, I don't remember it happening a lot in Vanilla, but we never camped quest npc's, definitely ganked many many Alliance though, part of playing on a pvp server. Sucks, but you know it's going to happen. Flight Masters are fair game as well, but don't quite understand camping a lowbie town (like Sentinel Hill), where the other players wouldn't even be flagged, so you are literally just killing quest givers wasting everyone's time.