How was Old Naxx40

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Re: How was Old Naxx40

by tosheybellamy » Thu Feb 26, 2015 12:55 am

First of all - basically EVERY single player of the Vanilla times SAW Naxx - technically at least.
Even the guildless non raiding people were able to get into random pug on PTR before even release lol. And as far as I recall, Anub and Razuvius got killed on the PTR ( :lol: ).

Second - TBC came out way too early. That's the main reason not too many guilds managed to clear Naxx in time. As I said - insane gearcheck, insane coordination check, insane dps race..

Third - only players who have actually seen the true Vanilla would NOT play on Feenix (for obvious reasons) and talk so passionately about the old times and their desire to relive them.
Personally I quit retail immediately after Sunwell. After I decided I wanna play again took me very little time to realise the game has gone to hell - that's the reason I want vanilla private server (since Blizzard won't bother making one.)

But you have a point, don't believe everything you read on the internet :lol:
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Re: How was Old Naxx40

by TheLockKing » Thu Feb 26, 2015 1:06 am

I dunno. I don't even think half of the people who play retail now, much less then, have even touched PTR.

I wanna say almost every guild had TRIED Molten Core back in the day and a good deal of them cleared it (there are those outright garbage guilds that really have no business in anything. Existed back then and exist today.)
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Re: How was Old Naxx40

by Wipeout » Thu Feb 26, 2015 1:50 am

riq and snog wrote:It just feels strange to me that on every vanilla server there are so many people claiming to have been in naxx pre bc... dont get me wrong but i believe most of them either set food in it at the end of tbc or have just seen it on other private servers... my point is if i belong to that pre bc naxx grp of people i would not play a private server! for what? id say been there done that! all this relive vanilla talk when u already done it all? rfor me the question is what keeps u guys comming back all the time? u say competition because it was hardest in vanilla? vanilla is like sueing someone in america, it just takes time!
Its freakin 10 year old content even if u reach the top (many claim to have done so on numerous p servers) your still 10 years late. Maybe im to casual to understand this mindset but its creepy for me.

As for my reason to come here i never played vanilla before! i have an actual reason to be here:-)

i dont want to attack anyone here with this post just help me understand:-P
Does KT have some special odor on him for u to come back and hit him over an over again?

Do you ever play old games you used to enjoy? Old shows? Movies? The answer is most likely yes.

A couple of other posters in this thread said they did varying degrees of it. I know the GMs of Blacklisted raided Naxx and I did myself. Hopefully this server can get the later raids right, because for some of us out there, we yearn to see it once again.

Re: How was Old Naxx40

by LegendaryRonnie » Thu Feb 26, 2015 2:18 am

I think that you accredit the "difficulty" and lack of guilds actually doing end game content to the wrong reasons.

- Anyone who played back in 2005 & 2006 knows that the end game craze was nowhere near as prevalent as in BC and onwards.Most people were new to the game and didn't care very much for achieving goals as everything was new and exciting, even low level content.I knew a lot who were happy with the game without even setting foot in a raid.

- Raid progression was an important theme then, which meant that you had to journey from level 60 dungeons all the way to AQ (allthough some bosses in Naxx were easier than Ouro and C'thun) before entering.

- The announcement of BC brought a lot of guilds to their knees and I'm not only talking about those at the edge of progression.People realised that gear would become obsolete and many raiders simply didn't feel the effort/reward ratio was worth their time.Forums were full of guilds (some newly formed, some in MC/BWL farm,others in Naxx -remember tier progression?) announcing they would stop until BC.

- Lack of metagame knowledge.If you want to have a laugh, take a look at Elitist Jerk archive threads of late 2005 to summer 2006.Now imagine how knowledgeable the average Legolas1356 and Arthass6969 was.Today, allthough it started around T6, the majority are used to having any question about tactics, optimal class/spec performance and gear choice well documented and presented.

You'll get diabetes just by briefly imagining the pain of making your own improvised tactics and doing optimisation among the few people you knew on guild forums, server IRC chat and X-fire.It was what you had to do (up until SSC/TK in BC) if you were trying to be even remotely competitive.

I mostly played PvP back then but I had the chance, through a friend of mine, to join a guild that was progressing through Naxx around July 2006 because it was in dire need of mages.

I know a lot look back to the era and think of difficulty as the main concept but in my experience raiding was, for those that could not experience it first hand -and they were many, mostly surrounded by an air of mystery and excitement along with the prestige that holding an AQ weapon brought when those around you were trying to get their hands on Dal'Rend's.

Re: How was Old Naxx40

by Imbaslap » Thu Feb 26, 2015 2:23 am

I honestly think sunwell was worse then Naxx40 on retail. Muru the guild killer anyone?

most guilds skipped Cthun because of the difficulty and went into naxx for a couple kills back in vanilla retail as well. hell some even skipped twin emps.

I wouldn't put much fuss into comparing it as there is a huge time difference (10 years). the issue is, I was a teenager at the time when doing Naxx 40 before TBC came out and can agree with most people about blizzard releasing TBC too soon.

I just enjoy the 40 man scene and the community, this is what makes me want to do Naxx 40 all over again on a scripted private server (1x, not some hashed handicapped, unlimited gold and consumb private server).
I'm talking real time 1x naxx with everything before being scripted and working through it all.

but that's just me, I miss vanilla and TBC raiding so I'm here for the fun and people. :D
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Re: How was Old Naxx40

by Guirssane » Thu Feb 26, 2015 2:24 am

Abacadab wrote:lol i would be impressed if even half of the people on here claiming they "saw naxx" even did MC progression. it seems like every time these topics come up, people make up shit to compete with the other neckbeards

I didn't play retail vanilla, and I don't feel ashamed, at least im not bullshitting on this.
Don't see why people would lie on it but eh. :D
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Re: How was Old Naxx40

by MadeByRockets » Thu Feb 26, 2015 3:07 am

It was honestly disgusting how much time you needed to actually spend outside the raid in order to kill the bosses... I remember my guild went from farm status AQ40 to wiping on gargoyle thrash mobs in Naxx... We were so discouraged with the amount of effort it took to clear Naxx that we quit until TBC.

Flask, argent dawn commission, darkmoon faire buff, ony head buff, druid buff, fort, spirit, hakkar buff, multiple elixirs, and oils.. plus pots on cooldown.. and you needed everyone to have every single one of the buffs they could possibly use in order to do these bosses. The tears that would cause now.... immense.

BUT I will say, Sunwell TRUMPS Naxx in terms of difficulty. Every boss in that raid was an end raid boss for my me. Luckily I never attempted pre nerf M'uru.
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Re: How was Old Naxx40

by Abacadab » Thu Feb 26, 2015 3:10 am

MadeByRockets wrote:It was honestly disgusting how much time you needed to actually spend outside the raid in order to kill the bosses... I remember my guild went from farm status AQ40 to wiping on gargoyle thrash mobs in Naxx... We were so discouraged with the amount of effort it took to clear Naxx that we quit until TBC.

Flask, argent dawn commission, darkmoon faire buff, ony head buff, druid buff, fort, spirit, hakkar buff, multiple elixirs, and oils.. plus pots on cooldown.. and you needed everyone to have every single one of the buffs they could possibly use in order to do these bosses. The tears that would cause now.... immense.

BUT I will say, Sunwell TRUMPS Naxx in terms of difficulty. Every boss in that raid was an end raid boss for my me. Luckily I never attempted pre nerf M'uru.

pre nerf C'Thun harder
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Re: How was Old Naxx40

by TheLockKing » Thu Feb 26, 2015 3:14 am

I have to be the guy who says M'uru was overhyped. His area was bland and his mechanics sucked u3u
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Re: How was Old Naxx40

by MadeByRockets » Thu Feb 26, 2015 3:20 am

TheLockKing wrote:I have to be the guy who says M'uru was overhyped. His area was bland and his mechanics sucked u3u

Preach basically explains M'uru pre nerf in a nutshell.
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