ceoddyn wrote:to get to mind numbingly boring end game raids that have all been mapped out for you by better players ten years ago?
anybody in this thread complaining about leveling are the players that cried and cried until each expansion since tbc became more shit than the last one with wotlk already taking the bad turns that would characterize cata, mop, and wod. streamlined stupid shit for morons
I don't know a single raider that came to Nostalrius for Molten Core, Onyxia, or even Blackwing Lair, and I know quite a few of them on this server. Everyone hates those three raids because they're boring as fuck, and are only a measure of "do you have KTM, do you have bigwigs, and do you have a pulse".
Most of them came here to experience a properly scripted AQ40, and all of them came here to clear Naxxramas. The reason why they chose this server over competition was because there was a strict and quick timeline established prelaunch which hasn't been adhered to, and it's difficult for guilds to leave because of the amount of time investment involved in vanilla (vanilla leveling is fucking boring and for a guild to leave to another server would mean they'd have to invest more time in ANOTHER boring as fuck grind only to be met with possibly a same situation on a different server) and corecraft isn't out yet, and we'd still like to kill a working Kel'Thuzad on a vanilla server.