Lifealert wrote:I think what's most pathetic is the fact that it's not solo ganking, but a group of 2 or more. Come on guys, are 20 lowbies really going to group up and try to kill you guys?
Look at at this point of view. If i go solo i can simply go around killing as many lowbies i want, feels kinda shitty, doing it alone, some random lvl 60 lowbie-killer is lurking around theyd say, and they cant win anyway, shitty to die like this constantly.
Whereas if you're leveling and suddenly see a horde of hordes charging and yelling stuff killing everything on their way, what they gonna say when they call for help? An entire fucking army is invading, theyre there probably to stay, more lvl 60 help is likely to come, things get more exciting and the zone turns into a battlefield. Theyre more easy to track, rather a 60 who kills lowbies and runs away from other 60s.
Soon, the situation turns to what i described above, the horde stack up to a building while white knights and angry mains will come attemp to join the war and wipe the attackers
I would rather die by an army of hordes with various levels rather just a guy who has lvl 60 therefore he can do this and get away with it