Xylon666Darkstar wrote:Especially love being called out by a GM, won't say the name, though the conversation is saved, for killing Alliance players on my hunter inside Gadgetzan, while out of LOS of guards, or in aggro range of guards. Therefore, effectively safe by blindspotting. The location I was in did not impair pathing by guards in anyway, should I aggro them, but I was being warned for PVPing on a PVP server, and avoiding aggroing guards to be able to kill players without NPC retribution. Even after explaining this to the uneducated GM that this was not against the ToS, still continued to warn me and not to do it, and would 'get back to me' to inform whether it was allowed or not, though the threat ban lingered.
Watch out guys. You'll get banned for PVPing on a PVP server, whether legal or not.
I still haven't been given an update. It's been about two weeks now.
Have you considered simply not acting like a shit head regardless of if it's legal or not?