by SupaflyIRL » Mon Jul 27, 2015 2:13 pm
PriestInOurTime wrote:Are paladins really crying over the fact that a guild that they are not in and know nothing about didn't give a current BiS item to a Paladins PvP offspec rather than to a Warriors PvE mainspec?
The vast majority of the people laughing at this retard are not paladins. You don't have to be a chef to know a shit sandwich when you see one.
Vanilla (Laughing Skull) || Supafly (A), Mitarius (H)
WOTLK (Laughing Skull) || Colt (H), Rotfart (H), Inhaler (H)
Nostalrius || Supafly (A), Sandusky (A), Polysexual (H)