Make it impossible to solo DM North as a "HUNTER"

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Re: Make it impossible to solo DM North as a "HUNTER"

by Askental » Thu Aug 13, 2015 2:35 am

Ohr wrote: Pls fix chorush casting with 0 mana now.

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Re: Make it impossible to solo DM North as a "HUNTER"

by slayde » Thu Aug 13, 2015 4:01 am

This post is an extreme waste of time. Dire Maul north Tribute was 100% soloable in retail vanilla. If devs are going to listen to people complaining about this then they should listen to the same things hunters are asking for about the demon spawn timers for the hunter quest.

Herbs come from Dire Maul East, and that is farmed by Mages, not hunters, the only think you get "over farmed" by hunters, is gold and maybe DIre maul books if you're super lucky.

Herbs right now that are worth anything are selling on alliance at least for 15-30g a stack, with lotus being over 50g each, how is that not going to make money for an herbalist?

Either way, the point of this post is pointless, hunters aren't exploiting anything that wasn't in live retail vanilla on the blizzard servers. Even if you chain the Cho'Rush pull with the King, it's still an easy solo anyways.

If you're going to point fingers at hunters, do it at the other classes taking advantage of the Dire maul release as well.
<Echo> Guild Leader

Re: Make it impossible to solo DM North as a "HUNTER"

by Ogcucked » Thu Aug 13, 2015 4:15 am

OP, thank you for the inspiration. I'm going to farm DM N / AV on my mage and build huge stockpiles of herbs up then at an undisclosed time completely crash the prices of them on the AH by undercutting everyone until black lotus at 2g each is considered a high price. Just so I can see posts from you crying like a little bitch.

The things you are complaining about existed and we're 100% okay to do in retail. If you don't like it go play on another densely populated 1x vanilla wow server... oh wait, there isn't one.

Re: Make it impossible to solo DM North as a "HUNTER"

by cookiemonster212 » Thu Aug 13, 2015 6:11 am

"Dire Maul
King Gordok can no longer be separated from Cho'Rush the Observer in Dire Maul."

We are in patch 1.5, the fix in retail was in patch 1.9

Because the fix is in 1.9 give us BWL(1.6), ZG(1.7) and AQ(1.9) and then fix as mention above and your problems will be solved. Until then, it won't be "blizzlike" lol

Re: Make it impossible to solo DM North as a "HUNTER"

by Ohr » Thu Aug 13, 2015 6:33 am

cookiemonster212 wrote:

"Dire Maul
King Gordok can no longer be separated from Cho'Rush the Observer in Dire Maul."

We are in patch 1.5, the fix in retail was in patch 1.9

Because the fix is in 1.9 give us BWL(1.6), ZG(1.7) and AQ(1.9) and then fix as mention above and your problems will be solved. Until then, it won't be "blizzlike" lol

Same as for the bg que we have that isn't blizzlike. Another ticket it is then, I guess.
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Re: Make it impossible to solo DM North as a "HUNTER"

by cookiemonster212 » Thu Aug 13, 2015 6:46 am

Nano wrote:The Developer team has been made aware of this issue and is working on a fix. As always, players who knowingly, willfully and continually abuse bugs on Nostalrius are in danger of losing their accounts.

That is uncalled for and it isn't fair for players who farm, be it solo as a hunter or split pulling in PuGs who do not visit the forums. To be fair, fix was in 1.9, if you go on a banning spree while still in 1.5 patch atm, it's gonna really look bad on your Nost team to be honest.

based on your claims, what about players who knows that the fix is in 1.9.3 and we arn't in 1.9 and take advantage by making some gold? I do not think this is a bug because u can split pulls most mobs in WoW, just that you get a considerable amount of gold + tribute loot when you kill Gordok. Hence the fix by linking them in 1.9.3.

If you care alot about the small minority who voice out like the original threat starter did, one option is you could link Cho and Gordok and problem solved. though it will not be blizzlike following the timeline. Going on a banning spree is really an uncalled for move.
Last edited by cookiemonster212 on Thu Aug 13, 2015 6:53 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Make it impossible to solo DM North as a "HUNTER"

by huntards » Thu Aug 13, 2015 7:42 am

CMCAT wrote:Really this is just insane this farm alone has broken the server economy and dont tell me it hasnt, look at all the herbs they are so cheap.

Profession doesnt make much gold unless you are very lucky to have some good ones / rare ones.

Everything is overfarmed.

But DM North has just killed everything, i make 100g/h ... ive spent 18 hours there now i have about 2000g+ gold laying around just like that.

Shouldnt be this easy to farm gold in any way please fix this make it impossible.

You sir are dumbest trash player ever I see. You thought hunters farm herbs in Dire Maul North?!?!?! I literally laugh my ass off so hard at that, you scream like a manic to make it impossible for hunters while mages which are farmed "herbs" you speak of are in Dire Maul East. Amount of stupidity in this post should be ignored and move on. You abused this and asked devs to nerf it so you're can only be rich hunter in this server while all hunters cannot do this and poor.

What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

I going to keep farm Dire Maul North solo because it was intense and enjoyment, I've spent load of invisible potions that cost a lot of gold. Also I used bombs for inner door a lot which costed me like 1g-2g.

Have a good day.

Re: Make it impossible to solo DM North as a "HUNTER"

by Cornholi » Thu Aug 13, 2015 7:48 am

I've never got the impression that fixes, class mechanics and all of those things were progressive as the items and the content (if so, bring in the crappy talents that all the classes had), so even though we're technically in patch 1.5, Cho not being linked to Gordok should be fixed as well as the issue of Cho casting without mana (wtf is that).

Even after all of those fixes it should still be possible for hunters to solo DM north. Now, my potential concern is that maybe the nos devs don't want hunters to solo DM north and that even after all of those fixes, they would still ban people for something that hunters could do even back on retail.

I hopefully would like to see a dev comment on this to see if hunters can still do it even after all of the fixes without repercussion.
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Re: Make it impossible to solo DM North as a "HUNTER"

by Proctologist » Thu Aug 13, 2015 7:51 am


Let's get one thing straight... I'm not.

Hunter + Priest PvE/PvP PoV.
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Re: Make it impossible to solo DM North as a "HUNTER"

by cookiemonster212 » Thu Aug 13, 2015 8:16 am

I too would appreciate someone from the Nost team to comment about this, where their stance and what they are going to and planning to do.

I'm just saying, it would not be fair to "ninja ban" both hunters (solo) and all PuG members who split pull Gordok. If you decide to go that route, an announcement would be appreciated before slamming the ban hammers.

While you're at it, you should look into split pulling Emperor of BRD Kappa. Yes I'm serious, groups are able to split pull emperor easily while the princess is bugged. inb4 ezmode Ironfoe farmers cryfoul.


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