by Xadas » Wed Dec 10, 2014 6:21 am
US East Coast here. Going to roll Alliance. Either Druid or Priest, yet to decide on that. As soon as the release date is set i'm asking off work for a few days.
I know (or rather hope) the servers starting areas will be overrun with people trying to get dem levels, and starting out might be a bit tedious for a while. I have a detailed and extensive leveling rotation for each zone, most of which i compiled myself through experience, and i'll be rushing through them as fast as i can. If anyone is interested in joining me, you can contact me via PM.
Disclaimer: For the days following the release, i will be online for an extended period of time. Fueled by nostalgia, energy drinks and high grade marijuana; i'll be immersing myself once again into the world of warcrack. If you feel like you can quest and grind mobs on end, with only the occasional break and instance group to keep you sane, feel free to contact. I'm really only looking for 1-2 active people to ward off the boredom solo leveling brings.