Are all specs valid?

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Re: Are all specs valid?

by eotrampage » Wed Mar 04, 2015 4:38 pm


"I suck."[/quote]

Its impossible to suck in a game as easy as this, fail troll[/quote]


"I haven't played an MMO older than 3 years and my favorite is SWOTR"[/quote]

Retarded as fuck it is obviously xd
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Re: Are all specs valid?

by eotrampage » Wed Mar 04, 2015 4:39 pm

Yo Lockking,

WoW might be hard for you because you drool all over your keyboard because of your retardation, dont apply that to others lawl
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Re: Are all specs valid?

by TheLockKing » Wed Mar 04, 2015 4:47 pm

eotrampage wrote:Yo Lockking,

WoW might be hard for you because you drool all over your keyboard because of your retardation, dont apply that to others lawl


"I got my willy diddled as a wee lad by my uncle and have to throw overused insults to random people to make myself feel better."

Kid, pub's not open yet an I ain't drunk enough to not give a shit. So shaddup.
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Re: Are all specs valid?

by eotrampage » Wed Mar 04, 2015 4:49 pm

TheLockKing wrote:
eotrampage wrote:Yo Lockking,

WoW might be hard for you because you drool all over your keyboard because of your retardation, dont apply that to others lawl


"I got my willy diddled as a wee lad by my uncle and have to throw overused insults to random people to make myself feel better."

Kid, pub's not open yet an I ain't drunk enough to not give a shit. So shaddup.

ROFL you really crack me up cute little retard XD You were the one throwing insults (telling me I suck) for no reason because you're too dumb to argue with arguments and now you come back with this? Stop wasting brainenergy on typing dude it causes you to drool twice as hard!
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Re: Are all specs valid?

by Mizu » Wed Mar 04, 2015 4:58 pm

You can raid as Enhancement, Shadow, Balance, Feral, etc. but you must put in a lot more work to justify your raid slot when things get competitive and be prepared to fully utilize your hybridness.
For instance, a Feral Druid who wants to DPS should build and carry a tank set as well as a healing set.
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Re: Are all specs valid?

by Magnifican » Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:39 pm

The fact is the classes are not balanced. The hybrids were designed to do multiple things at once, which works well outside of endgame. But as soon as people started progression raiding it just didnt work out, and blizzard changed this in TBC for a reason. Hybrids became viable to fill specialized roles even in raids.
The argument that every class become "the same" just because some classes became more viable is flawed to say the least. Did every class play the same in TBC or wotlk? No!
We are not saying that every class should be exactly the same or do the same dps or whatever. Its just that in vanilla some specs were completely and utterly USELESS, which forced people to either reroll (not an option for most) or play a role they didnt want (pally healer being the perfect example here), or simply not raid. I can imagine how many left the game because of this. Again, it was changed for a reason.

And for all of those saying "Hey, you can tank as a pally, look at this youtube video!" - Just stop and look at how it actually went. How many pally tanks was in the guilds that cleared BWL, MC and Naxx? None. Some got lucky and got to tank some adds (which healadins and others did just as good anyway, so still no dedicated pally tanks needed). Warriors tanked. End of story. If there has been some supermegaunique couple of times where you see a pally tank, you can be sure that this person spent hundreds of gold on consumables and shit, and getting specialized gear for months and months and moooonths, this just to get even Close to the warrior, and yet still find themselves be far behind!

You want blizzlike because you suffer from nostalgia. Once that wears off you'll realize that it (class balance) sucks and you either have to reroll or be pigeonholed into something you hate.

I made a comment on alliance side chat that I was going to be a pally but I wont be a healer, just to see the reaction. Just imagine the rude remarks and the bashing I got, and frankly, I can see why.

Again I want to be clear that I DO want vanilla x1 rates, vanilla content and raids and gear. Vanilla was amazing in so many ways! What I do Not want is vanilla class balance and 8 debuff limit "just because". Makes no sense.
Last edited by Magnifican on Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Are all specs valid?

by eotrampage » Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:46 pm

Magnifican wrote:The fact is the classes are not balanced. The hybrids were designed to do multiple things at once, which works well outside of endgame. But as soon as people started progression raiding it just didnt work out, and blizzard changed this in TBC for a reason. Hybrids became viable to fill specialized roles even in raids.
The argument that every class become "the same" just because some classes became more viable is flawed to say the least. Did every class play the same in TBC or wotlk? No!
We are not saying that every class should be exactly the same or do the same dps or whatever. Its just that in vanilla some specs were completely and utterly USELESS, which forced people to either reroll (not an option for most) or play a role they didnt want (pally healer being the perfect example here), or simply not raid. I can imagine how many left the game because of this. Again, it was changed for a reason.

And for all of those saying "Hey, you can tank as a pally, look at this youtube video!" - Just stop and look at how it actually went. How many pally tanks was in the guilds that cleared BWL, MC and Naxx? None. Some got lucky and got to tank some adds (which healadins and others did just as good anyway, so still no dedicated pally tanks needed). Warriors tanked. End of story. If there has been some supermegaunique couple of times where you see a pally tank, you can be sure that this person spent hundreds of gold on consumables and shit, and getting specialized gear for months and months and moooonths, this just to get even Close to the warrior, and yet still find themselves be far behind!

You want blizzlike because you suffer from nostalgia. Once that wears off you'll realize that it (class balance) sucks and you either have to reroll or be pigeonholed into something you hate.

I made a comment on alliance side that I was going pally but I wont be a healer, just to see the reaction. Just imagine the reactions and bashing I got, and frankly, I can see why.

Again I want to be clear that I DO want vanilla x1 rates, vanilla content and raids and gear. Vanilla was amazing in so many ways! What I do Not want is vanilla class balance and 8 debuff limit "just because". Makes no sense.

Someone put this person in the development team please
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Re: Are all specs valid?

by bellerophon » Thu Mar 05, 2015 12:14 am

Some of you are just asking for a different game. Is there some tooltip in WoW that tells you that any choice of talents will be good for any situation? Some talents or abilities will always be useless in certain situations. Even in TBC you had PvP specs and PvE specs, leveling specs, etc. There's no reason to make the assumption that Paladins should be able to tank or dps in the first place, just as there's no reason to assume that a Soul Link Warlock should be good at raids, or that Fire Mages should be able to dps in MC and BWL. If you say, but mages can still dps by speccing frost! I'd say, yes, but they can't tank. Then you might say, why did you choose a mage in the first place if you wanted to tank? But then, the same applies to any other class. If you want to tank, choose a warrior. If you specifically want to tank while wielding the power of the Holy Light, well too bad for you, just as it's too bad for the guy who wants to specifically kill Ragnaros by shooting fireballs.

Re: Are all specs valid?

by eotrampage » Thu Mar 05, 2015 12:16 am

the problem now is some talents are useless in ALL situations though
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Re: Are all specs valid?

by bellerophon » Thu Mar 05, 2015 12:20 am

eotrampage wrote:the problem now is some talents are useless in ALL situations though

Give me an example of a talent that is absolutely useless in every possible situation. I bet even Improved Firestone has it's uses.

And many talents which are not so great for endgame PvP or PvE are useful for solo farming/leveling (Wand Specialization for instance).


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