Stone wrote:He could have made small mistakes in his method but so huge it's 148 mistake? 148!? I don't believe it would be that big cause as you saw he was standing in most frequent spots (Northshire, Hogger, etc.). Over 50-70 mistake sure, but 148?
Stone, if he covers 20% of the territory, it is not a small mistake, it is a HUGE one.
Stone wrote:Probably they don't exist cause "/who" list is manipulated. Keep in mind you can have only 50 people shown in your "/who" list.
Yes, that is his point: when you do a /who, half displayed people don't exist. They are not bots, not players either, just wrongly displayed.
My point is that, if that was true, at least half of displayed players would not answer to wisp. I nade the experiment and got answers of almost everyone.
This is something anyone can try by himself, and that prof this video is bullshit on all the line.