by Redcap » Mon Mar 16, 2015 7:34 pm
Posting about it on the boards is dumb. Here's the correct plan of action.
Open mailbox. Read the mail. If the mail is a scam, Screenshot it. Leave the mail in the mailbox. Host the screenshot on a website. Report the player, including the web addy of the hosted screenshot. Screenshot your report. Now wait.
If time passes and the GM's inform you that they simply don't care, and you're pissed about it, Screenshot it. Now you have a screenshot of the event, your reporting it, and your response for the report to use as ammo to spread hate about the server if you feel the urge. Knock yourself out.
If the GM's tell you that they'll do something about it, congrats. You won the Nostalrius WoW mini game.
Trying to gain support on these forums is so futile it hurts my brain. No one on here counts. It's the GM's and you that matter for this.